
Caribou Lake, Trinity Alps

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Home Forums Campfire Photo Gallery Caribou Lake, Trinity Alps

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  • #1240632
    Jim Carr


    Locale: Humboldt County

    Some pics of Caribou Lake basin. Just me and the bear in the whole basin.
    Going in
    Some snow
    The lakes
    Saw Tooth Ridge
    The bear

    Jim Carr


    Locale: Humboldt County

    I do not know why the pics are next to each other instead of below each other?

    Rick Dreher
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northernish California

    Hi Jim,

    Did you force a carriage return or two after each link? That's all I can think of.

    Lovely shots, and a nice dusting of snow. When were these taken.



    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Beautiful! What trailhead did you enter from?

    Jim Carr


    Locale: Humboldt County

    Rick, Yes I did hit enter after each picture That's what I thought I should do. Next time I will not. I went last weekend 23,24 &25th I wanted to get out before the snow started and it looks like it has.
    Ken, I went in at Big Flat campground. It was amazing that no one else was there. No hunters or hikers. When I was sitting on Saw Tooth Ridge I was shure I would here a gun shot from below but nothing but birds.

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Nice Bear!!

    Jim Carr


    Locale: Humboldt County

    Yes, the bear was a highlight of the trip. I just got back to camp and sitting on a comfy rock I looked at the lake. I saw something in the water that was large and swimming around across the lake from me. I realized it was a bear and as it was swimming towards my side I made sure it noticed me (then went and tied all my food up in a tree) It got out of the water and started to follow the lake around on the granite wall. I was stunned as it made its way around hanging on to rocks and walking on narrow ledges. It finally came around to my side of the lake and went around my site staying about 100yards away then disappeared into the woods. The whole thing lasted about 45 minutes and we kept looking at each other. I left the food in the tree that night but I did sleep well.

    tommy d


    great shots! but they make me a bit sad that i'm stuck at my desk today.

    David Carbiener
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Beautiful area and pics. I went there two years ago at the beginning of October. I camped at Lower Caribou and had that lake to myself and a Bald Eagle, while three other guys had Caribou Lake to themselves. Had no bears that I knew of.
    Lower Caribou Lake Lower Caribou Lake

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