
Mt Jefferson Wilderness, Oregon

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Home Forums Campfire Member Trip Reports Mt Jefferson Wilderness, Oregon

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  • #1238355
    Aaron Zuniga


    Locale: Northwest

    Here's a few pic's of a loop my fiance, dog,and I did last weekend in the Mt Jefferson Wilderness. It's only a 65 mile drive from our house in Bend to the TH,so it's a perfect quick getaway. The loop consited of starting our hike at the Pamelia Lake TH. We then connected with the Hunt's Creek Trail after 2.3 miles and headed south 6 miles to the junction with the PCT. Once we reached the junction with the PCT, we hiked Northbound 5 miles back to the Hunt's Creek Trail, leaving a final 2.8 miles back to the car. Not a big mileage trip, but had a wonderful time. This was our first night using the Squall 2, and it was amazing! Zero condensation issues, easy setup, stayed taut all night with just a minor adjustment on the tensioners before bed. The both of us slept like babies in this UL castle, and still had room for the dog and our gear. Im 5'10 and She's 5'8 for reference.

    Squall 2Squall 2

    Squall 2 and MurmurSquall 2 and Gossamer Gear Murmur

    Me and Nox Nox and I

    Looking towards the PCT from the Hunt's Creek Trail
    Looking across the valley at the PCT

    Wild flowers along the trail
    Wild flowers along the Hunt's Creek Trail

    Cathedral RocksCathedral Rocks

    Mt Jefferson from the Hunt's Creek TrailMt Jefferson

    Hank's Lake from the Hunt's Creek Trail
    Hank's Lake

    Another shot of Hanks Lake
    Hunt's Lake

    Mt Jefferson from the PCT
    Mt Jefferson from the PCT

    Hunt's Cove and Hunt's LakeHunt's Cove

    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Oregon

    Its nice to see a Trip Report from a fellow Oregon BPL member. Thanks for sharing your trip.

    More pictures would be nice if you have any.

    Michael Mathisen


    Locale: Oregon

    Trip reports in Oregon are rare, I am glad you posted one. I'm curious, were the mosquitoes bad on your hike.

    Aaron Zuniga


    Locale: Northwest

    Hey Thom,

    Oregon BPL Represent! =) Im glad you enjoyed the TR; i posted some more pics this evening. Enjoy


    This is the first trip report iv'e posted at BPL, and plan on many more. The mosquitoes were not an issue for the most part. They were definitely present, but not enough to dabble with the deet. Our Squall 2 kept us protected as we realaxed in camp and slept that evening. While I was hiking i wore a LS silkweight Patagonia shirt and BPL Thorofare pants. This system protected against the bugs and the sun; that's all i needed.

    Gordon Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: Portland, Oregon

    Nice report and pics Aaron, thanks! Nice to see a report on Mt. Jeff. I love that area. I was there just last September with my dog, my Squall 2 and my Gossamer Gear Murmur. No fiance though:


    Aaron Zuniga


    Locale: Northwest

    Hey Gordon,

    Glad you enjoyed my TR and pics. This is my first TR posting at BPL, so it took a little longer, but im happy with the outcome. Mad props on your TR of the Enchantments; those were some great shot's! Gotta love the Goats =) I love this area as well, and wanted to share it with the other BPL members out there.
    Im planning a 44 mile loop around the Three Sisters for this weekend. The hike will connect the Green Lakes Trail, Scott's Pass Trail, PCT, Wickiup Plain Trail, and the Moraine Lake Trail. My goal is travel 35 miles the first day, camp, then hike the remaining 9 miles the next morning. I will be post a TR and pics early next week of this hike.

    Tom Clark
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Coast

    You might enjoy this Three Sisters Loop photo trip report on Flickr.

    I'm looking forward to your Three Sisters loop report.

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