
Running Pack?!?

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    Sean Walashek


    Locale: bay area

    Hello everybody,

    I've got a cool campingspot about 8 miles from my house that I like to spend weeknights at pretty often. After work I usually won't get out the door until at least 9-10pm. At a good pace I can get to sleep by 11:30, wake up at 9 and be home around 11 the next day. I save myself a lot of time by running part of the way but my pack makes for an unenjoyable run. I'm looking for a super secure and stable pack around 1200-1500 cubic inches that I could throw on and run out and back in the morning. If I could gut the 2 hours off this trip I would be able to spend a lot more nights out. I've been looking at the nelson packs and some camlebacks but want to know what packs you guys use for your fastpacking overnight runs.
    Thanks a bunch,


    EDITED: Sorry for the appalling grammar

    jim draucker
    BPL Member


    Locale: Shenandoah Valley VA

    Hey Sean

    Campsaver has the Golite Rush and VO24 at 40% off .You might take a look. Also the quilt you sold me is in my pack
    right now:)


    b s
    BPL Member


    I think this was discussed in another thread a few months back. I seem to remember a few people liking the Black Diamond Bbee pack for trail running (although I'm not sure if they were packing gear). You might try searching for that thread for some ideas.

    Aaron Sorensen
    BPL Member


    Locale: South of Forester Pass

    For what you want at the 1200 ci size, I would go for the Inov8 Race Elite 20 or 25 litter pack.
    It comes in at 11/ 12 ounces and is made for running.

    Hiker 816
    BPL Member


    Locale: Denver

    Check out Nathan brand packs. I've got both a Golite Rush and a Nathan HPL #020 race vest (which holds a couple liters of water), and the Nathan is MUCH better for running. Nathan also makes some packs with the capacity you're looking for. I doubt they'd be quite as good for running as the race vests, but I bet they'd still be much better than most other packs since they're designed specifically for running.

    Sean Walashek


    Locale: bay area

    Which one would be less inclined to jostle around on my back? The nathan's 2-way propulsion system is something I am not familiar with. Are there any vest style packs? As in a secure vest with around 1200 cu" in the back?

    Hiker 816
    BPL Member


    Locale: Denver

    As far as I know, the Nathan packs are the closest thing out there to a "secure vest". The broad shoulder straps (which are sort of vest-like) include small storage pockets in the front, so some weight can be carried there. The #020 I have sort of feels like the pack is lightly hugging you, rather than being a separate pack. Consequently, it moves with you very well. I've never used the 759 or Race pro 20, but judging by the photos/descriptions, and my experience with my Nathan pack, I'd expect that the Inov8 would carry a bit more like a traditional pack (i.e. not as much of the "hug" feeling).

    Christopher Plesko


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    The 759 is pretty secure. I haven't used the inov8 yet.

    EDIT: If you can cut the volume requirement way down you might be able to do the Black Diamond Flash pack. It's pretty tiny but I know I can get a quilt into it and a few other things. Strap a CCF pad to the outside bungies.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Maybe this one
    Aarn 1
    Aarn 2

    No experience at all with them , but I use the larger non "runner" versions

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