
Toothpaste dots

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    Shane S.
    BPL Member


    Locale: P.N.W

    How do I make my own "Toothpaste dots"?
    Or is it jsut as easy to buy some powdered toothpaste?


    peter kvamme


    Locale: midwest

    I did not know exactly what you meant by toothpaste dots, so I googled it. Two of the first three listings explained how to make your own:

    Toothpaste dots
    Are you not quite ready to use Dr. Bronner's soap for toothpaste? Do you have a favorite brand or need a special one for sensitive teeth? Consider making toothpaste 'dots' by drying little dabs on your dehydrator while you're dehydrating some food for your next trip. If you don't want to run the dehydrator, just put some dots on plastic wrap on a paper plate on your dashboard. To use, just moisten. –submitted by Rosaleen Sullivan

    Tooth paste is squirted out on a plate, in little dabs. I leave the plate in a corner out of the way, and in a few days I have tiny nuggets of hard toothpaste. Please note: I live at 6,100 feet in idaho, it is VERY dry. These gummy "dots" are packaged in a tiny ziploc baggie, and i chew 'em like gum before brushing. Easy!

    Linda Vassallo


    Locale: Eastbay

    Hi Shane,

    Mike Clelland recently posted his "Ditty" list. It tells how to make the dots.

    Have fun

    George L Privett


    Locale: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada

    A different toothpaste container – next time you use a 'NeoCitran' package, cut it with scissors horizontally across the top. Rinse it. Use the package for any small items – pills, needle and thread, tooth paste buds, tooth paste. Just mark it with a felt marker and roll the top down. Fasten with an elastic band or duct tape.

    Just drip your tooth brush into the tooth paste to use it.

    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    So you can brush your teeth with Bronner's? or was that a joke?

    W I S N E R !


    I've used it. With a tiny bit, it's not too bad. I think it's easier to go without.
    These days I don't use anything…just water and a brush.

    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    That's not a bad idea for short trips, i dislike spitting toothpaste out there.

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    If you don't like to spit out toothpaste in the wilderness, you can try baking soda.




    Locale: The Cascades

    "If you don't like to spit out toothpaste in the wilderness, you can try baking soda"

    Or just swallow it.

    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    Anyway, so baking soda or toothpaste can be safely consumed? What about Bronners? Have we officially entered the "hard core UL" realm here? (not a referrence to swallowing)

    Steven Paris
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest
    Adan Lopez


    Locale: San Gabriel Valley

    I like the idea of baking soda for longer trips and just using water for shorter trips I think. Swallowing it doesnt sound like much fun, but then maybe Douglas was just kidding me with that one and it went over my head. :) Maybe I'll try carrying baking soda in a straw. Thanks!

    Bob Gross
    BPL Member


    Locale: Silicon Valley

    The safety of baking soda is beyond reproach. After all, it is a standard kitchen ingredient for baking. Start with about 1/10th of a teaspoon full, and work your way up to 1/3rd.


    Tohru Ohnuki


    Locale: S. California

    Most toothpastes contain sodium fluoride and triclosan, both of which are probably best not consumed. Baking soda is safe, as BG mentioned it's used for baking and as an antacid, but it has a lot of sodium. Dr Bronner's peppermint works ok in small quantities, but I find that the oil they make it from goes rancid in about a year, so it starts to taste bad (or worse depending on how you feel about it.)


    Toothpaste smells sweet = bears. Leave it at home. Baking soda is fine, if you need something to brush with. Personally, I just brush, floss, and dissolve a Listerine antibacterial gelatin sheet to make a mouthwash, which I spit into a hole well away camp/water source, and which Ben Tang swallows, IIRC. Either way works.



    Locale: The Cascades

    "I just brush, floss,"

    Of course, in keeping with dual use items, I assume the floss you use this morning becomes the guylines you use tonight? ;-)

    W I S N E R !


    Not to press the topic too hard, but I don't get why anything is even needed unless you were on the trail for months. I think that toothpaste is, by and large, a whole lot of hype. Thorough brushing should do the job just as well…no chemicals, odors, or food-like stuff to spit in holes.

    If something must be used, I'd second baking soda. I used to carry it in a tiny ziplock; dampen the toothbrush, dip it to pick up some powder, brush.


    "Of course, in keeping with dual use items, I assume the floss you use this morning becomes the guylines you use tonight?"

    Yup. Ever since I had every other tooth pulled in my ongoing effort to lighten up, guylines work just fine. ;)

    Javan Dempsey


    Locale: The-Stateless-Society

    People really don't seem to realize the uses of baking soda.

    I use it brushing teeth, cleaning pots/dishes, polishing blades, clearing up rashes, defunking clothing and crotch, relieving upset stomach, etc.

    Mix a teaspoon with water if you eat a lot of acidic food, or drink too much coffee.

    I grew up using it to brush my teeth with, doesn't take much.

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