
Emigrant Wilderness

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  • #1231956

    4 Days & 42.7 Mile Loop
    August 15th-18th, 2008
    Tom Harrision Map: Emigrant Wilderness
    Crabtree Trail Head at Grids 29-30 x 45-46
    Temperatures: 80-70 degrees F Day, 55-45 degrees F Night

    In Memory of Christopher Andrews

    Emigrant Wilderness is in the Stanislaus National Forest & lies on Northern Boarder of Yosemite.

    Crabtree Trail Head

    Crabtree Trail Head 7145 ft.
    Car Camping Available here with paved parking spots
    Trail leading out of Crabtree was quite dusty & dry

    Camping Lake

    Camp Lake elevation 7630 ft. 2.6 miles from Crabtree

    Unnamed Lake Near Piute Meadow

    Unnamed Lake Near Piute Meadow which is marked on the map

    Above and West of Piute Creek

    Jeremy Above & West of Piute Creek

    Horses at Piute Creek

    An unexpected site at Piute Creek. Elevation 7570 ft.
    These two riders had traveled some 20 miles in only 3 hours

    East of Piute Meadow

    East of Piute Meadow after ascending to 8000 ft.

    Gem Lake

    Gem Lake Elevation 8230 ft. 9.4 miles from Crabtree
    Popular Destination. Many people camping, fishing, & swimming here
    Note: 1.5 miles West of Gem Lake is Piute Lake

    Jewelry Lake

    Jeremy at Jewelry Lake Elevation 8399 ft.
    No one camping here and less than 1 mile from Gem Lake
    Fish were jumping

    View from the Northern Shore of Jewelry Lake

    View from the Northern Shore of Jewelry Lake Looking East

    Deer Lake

    Deer Lake Elevation 8461 ft. 11 miles from Crabtree

    Making Camp in a light Sprinkle

    Jeremy quickly setting up his MLD Poncho Tarp as it began to sprinkle on us

    Senior Members of the Sierra Club

    Camping on the Southern Shore of Deer Lake we met a group of Seniors who had been traveling cross country/off trail for the past week. They had setup this tarp to shelter them from the rain and were kind enough to invite us to wait out the brief shower. This was their only shelter for the night and just sleep out in their sleeping bags. Apparently, they were all long time members of the Sierra Club. The woman in the middle laying back has been a Sierra Club Member since 1968 and served as the personal assistant to the President of the Sierra Club. I can only hope that I will be able to keep backpacking as long as they have been.

    Jeremy's Boil in a Bag Meal

    Jeremy's Boil in a Bag Meal

    Tools of the Trade

    Tony's Tools of the Trade
    UrSack, MSR Pocket Rocket & Titan Kettle

    Jeremy & Tony at Deer Lake

    Jeremy & Tony at Deer Lake

    Placid Waters

    Placid Waters

    Touch of Pink

    Touch of Pink


    Jeremy Making Breakfast

    Beautiful Morning

    Beautiful Morning

    Jeremy's GG Pads

    Jeremy's Gossamer Gear Nightlight & Thin light Pads

    Buck Lake

    Buck Lake Elevation 8320 ft.

    View from South Western Shore

    View from the South Western End of Buck Lake

    Meadow North of Buck Lake

    Meadow North of Buck Lake

    North West Edge of Emigrant Lake

    North West approach to Emigrant Lake

    Emigrant Lake

    Emigrant Lake Elevation 8827 ft. 17.4 miles from Crabtree

    South West End of Emigrant Lake

    Looking at the South West end of Emigrant Lake

    Planning off trail side trip

    Jeremy Planning a Side Trip to Try to Kill Me

    Cutting South West towards North Fork Cherry Creek

    Cutting South West towards North Fork Cherry Creek

    Jeremy Navigating the Rocks

    Jeremy Navigating the Rocks

    Looking Back Where We Were

    A Glimpse Back

    View from the Western Shore

    View From the Western Shore
    Location: Tom Harrision Map Grid Line 28

    Destination Top of that Ridge to the Right

    Destination: Top of the Ridge to the Right

    Unexpected Dam

    Unexpected Dam at the South Western End of the Lake
    Start of North Fork Cherry Creek draining from Emigrant Lake

    Off Trail Heading East

    Off Trail Heading East

    Surviving Jeremy's Trail

    Surviving Jeremy's Trail
    No particular trail up here, just shooting up the middle.
    Pretty steep, kicked my butt, but what a view
    Note: Dark Spot in the Upper Middle of the Photo is the Waters of the Lake leading to the Dam

    Fraser Lakes

    The Pay Off: Fraser Lakes Elevation 9201 ft.

    Private Swimming Hole

    Private Swimming Hole
    The Large Rock in the Middle of the Photo drops steeply off on the right side and the water was deep enough for us to do cannon balls off of. So nice to be clean again.
    I would love to come back here and spend the night and gaze at the stars.

    Dry off at Lunch

    Jeremy Enjoying Lunch while drying off in the sun

    Cone in the Clouds

    Cone in the Clouds

    Looking Down at the Southern Shore of Emigrant Lake

    Looking Down at the Southern Shore of Emigrant Lake

    Zig Zag Navigation Down Sttep Slopes

    Zig Zag Navigation Down Steep Slopes

    Cutting Towards the Eastern End

    Cutting Towards the Eastern End

    Looking Back Where We Came From

    Looking Back Where We Came From

    Heading along the Southern Shore

    Heading along the Southern Shore

    Gazing Back

    Gazing Back West

    Looking North Across the Eastern End

    Looking North Across the Eastern End…notice the dark clouds in the distance.


    Contast of Elements

    View from the Eastern Shore

    View from the Eastern Shore

    Jeremy Jams His Knee

    Cutting Across this Grassy Area to get to the Northern Side where the trail was, Jeremy jammed his knee in a small pot hole in the grass

    Asking for Directions

    Asking for Directions from one of the Pack Mule Guides
    Note: Guided Pack Mule Trips are available out of Kennedy Meadows and can take you to Emigrant Lake.
    I am thinking of using them to get my wife and 5 yr old daughter out here to experience this amazing place.

    Entering Mosquito Pass

    Entering Mosquito Pass…beginning of our troubles

    Caught in Hail and Thunder Storm

    Caught in a Hail & Thunder Storm Halfway up the Valley
    The weather was a maddening contradiction in trying to determine which way the storm was blowing. The lower clouds seem to be blowing NW, yet the cloud layer higher above seemed to be moving SE. The trail in the valley was very open and exposed, the rolling rumble of thunder getting closer and closer. We decided to get off the trail and decent near a creek near a cluster of trees. For some 45 minutes we squatted down on our sleeping pads while it hailed and then rained hard on us, marveling at the fact that only an hour and half ago we were basking in the sun.

    Jeremy Modeling MLD Poncho Tarp

    Jeremy Modeling MLD Poncho Tarp
    As we sat on our pads, we were nervously trying to recall everything that we had read about what to do in the event we were struck by lightning and how to avoid getting struck by it. Half jokingly, I told Jeremy that the last thing that people might find was my camera with me taking video of us just before we got stuck by lightning. After the center of the storm passed over us and the hail and rain lessened, we contemplated what to do. Shoot for the pass ahead or retreat back down the way we came?

    Tony Laughing in the Hail

    Tony Laughing at the odd change of events facing us while wearing MLD Poncho Tarp & Rain Chaps with wind shirt for additional protection.
    Either way, we were exposed on open ground. In vain, we looked North toward Mosquito Pass in the hope of seeing clear skies on the other side that would signal the end of the storm. Knowing that a decision had to be made, even if it was the wrong one, we decided to shoot for the pass because staying exposed as we were was not a long term option.

    Sprint Across Mosquito Pass

    Sprint Across Mosquito Pass Elevation 9370 ft.
    After a few false starts back on the trail, the rumbling of thunder behind us causing us some doubt about our decision, we went as quickly as possible up the valley. The rain had lessened to a light sprinkle, the clouds still dark and heavy with rain. While racing across this pass, Jeremy further injured his knee.

    Lunch Meadow

    Lunch Meadow Elevation 9040 ft.
    We descended into this meadow, relieved that we below Mosquito Pass and away from the lightning, but pressed on in an attempt to out run any chance of the storm catching up to us.
    Jeremy pointed out to me that the Northern side of this meadow was composed of an older rock and that the granite of the Sierras was pushing up through this older layer of rock, seen to the South.

    Lookng South West Across the Meadow

    Looking South West Across the Meadow
    A constant, light drizzle of rain followed us, but we remained dry and well ventilated in our MLD Poncho Tarps

    Racing to Out Run the Storm

    Racing to Out Run the Storm

    Shelter at Sheep Camp

    Shelter at Sheep Camp Elevation 8790 ft.
    Approximately 12.4 miles from Deer Lake with side trip to Fraser Lakes.
    MLD Poncho Tarp & MLD Soul Side Zip Bivy
    Tired and thankful to be out of the rain, we hastily setup camp with the expectation that a storm would blow over us that night. Fortunately, the rains never came.

    Horse Piss Camp

    Jeremy named this place Horse Piss Camp, as the site that he setup at was saturated with Horse/Mule piss.
    MLD Poncho Tarp & MLD Superlight Bivy.

    Dinner and a Fire

    Dinner and a Fire Tonight
    There were quite a number of other campers here who had been brought in by mule trains from Kennedy Meadows. In particular, there was a group with an 80 yr old man who had come up with his sons, & grandsons. Apparently, the 80 yr. old gentleman had hiked in 8 miles from Kennedy Meadows to Sheep Camp! They were well supplied with Coleman tents and ice chests full of provisions. They greeted us after we setup camp with wine in a box and plastic cups to share with them. It was a welcome luxury at the end of a long day.

    Leaving Sheep Camp

    Leaving Sheep Camp to descend into Saucer Meadow, following the Summit Creek.
    After enjoying a leisurely breakfast, Jeremy rinsed off his MLD bivy in a stream to try to wash the horse piss smell out of his bivy. And then we were off, feeling a little stiff from the prior day.
    The DRW Momentum fabric did a very good job of beading up the water, despite being fully submerged a few times into the stream.

    Valley View

    Valley View

    Fetching Campers at Sheep Camp

    Mule Train going to Collect the Campers at Sheep Camp

    South West View from the Trail

    South Western View from the Trail

    Sharing the Trail

    Sharing the Trail with Mules
    The mule trains were a combination of supplies and ferrying campers up the trail. Some of the mule train trips were all inclusive, which meant that hot meals were provided.
    I must admit that I was a bit envious of how easy those people had it, but I seem to enjoy suffering. That which does not kill you can only make you stronger, right?

    Variations of Stone

    Variations of Stone
    Here is a good example of what Jeremy was saying about the older layer of stone in the distance and the newer granite in the fore ground being pushed up by the tectonic plates sub ducting.

    Last Smile

    Jeremy's Last Smile for the Day
    North of Saucer Meadow we turned East at a Junction and headed into Lower Relief Valley. Elevation 7700 ft.

    Deer at Summit Creek

    Deer at Summit Creek

    Looking Back at Relief Peak

    Look back at Relief Peak

    Looking South East Looking Iceland Lake

    Looking South East from the Trail.
    Just beyond those peaks are a series of lakes, including Iceland Lake, which is at an elevation 9112 ft.

    Christopher Andrews

    Christopher Andrews

    Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2008 SF Gate/Chronicle Reported by Meredith May

    Snow prevented rescue of Hillsborough hiker

    A San Mateo County hiker whose body was discovered Monday in the Emigrant Wilderness apparently slipped and fell into a ravine, according to his wife.
    Christopher Andrews, 42, was cutting his five-day solo hiking trip in the Sierra a day short on Friday to avoid an incoming storm when he fell, said his wife, Amy Andrews of Hillsborough.
    An avid hiker, Andrews sent a 911 distress signal from his SPOT safety beacon Friday afternoon, which sent his latitude and longitude coordinates to an emergency response center, which notified the Tuolumne County Sheriff's Department.
    Rescuers were not able to start their search until Saturday morning, due to high winds and snow, she said.
    Searchers on horseback, helicopter and on foot scoured the remote area, crossing flooded streams and eventually found Andrews near Iceland Lake on Monday afternoon. The area where he was found was so remote they had to rappel down to reach him.
    His safety beacon stopped emitting a signal on Sunday, possibly due to battery drain, according to the sheriff's department.
    "He's a very experienced hiker and he was cautious to get out before the storm, but I think the speed of the storm surprised him," Amy Andrews said.
    The couple met at the software company Oracle, where they both worked and discovered a shared passion for the outdoors.
    Their first date was in the Marin Headlands, and they were engaged in 1996 at Kings Canyon National Park. They married a year later.
    Her husband enjoyed solo hiking and camping trips, Amy Andrews said, and he always was careful to bring his safety beacon. He enjoyed taking photographs, listening to classical music and standing in awe of nature, she said.
    "We felt God in the wilderness," his wife said. "It was just a very deep, unspoken thing between us." The couple had two young children.

    Quote from Christopher's sister on SF Gate Forum regarding this story:

    I am Christopher's sister, and I feel I have to add in a word of clarification regarding the emergency beacon. Christopher was able to trigger it after he fell, but his body moved to block the signal. He was also out of sight from above and below, given that he was in a location that the rescue crew had to rappel down to. So, the beacon did give his position accurately, but since the search crew at first didn't see him, they thought he had walked away from that location. This can give some confidence to others who might want to use this type of beacon.

    JEremy at Lower Relief Valley

    Jeremy at Lower Relief Valley
    Jeremy is sporting a Granite Gear Vapor Trail Pack with MLD Shoulder Pocket for his Water Bottle

    East Flange Rock

    East Flange Rock
    Warm and Dry Stretch of Trail

    Lunch ALong Relief Creek

    Lunch Along Relief Creek
    Concerned about the availability of water, we went off trail a few hundred yards and found this shaded area to have lunch and to tank up on water.

    Looking Back North

    Looking Back North after gaining elevation over Lower Relief Valley

    Trail with a View

    Trail with a View

    Unexpected Fence for Cows

    An Unexpected Fence for Cows

    Jeremy's Torment

    Jeremy's Torment
    From early in the day, Jeremy's left knee was progressively hurting him more and more, which probably was a result of him injuring it the day before in the sprint across Mosquito Pass. Most likely an IT band problem.

    Pain & Beauty

    Pain & Beauty
    The result was that with each step that Jeremy took, the mere action of bending his knee caused him intense pain. He was using his poles partially as crutches and taking rest steps to ease his pain. Having done a number of trips with Jeremy, he has never been one to complain or show signs of pain even when he was in discomfort. The fact that I could audibly hear his stifled grunts of pain with each step that he took concerned me greatly. I offered to carry some of his gear, but since it was the motion of bending his knee that was hurting him and that his load was already lighter than mine, weight was not an issue. Jeremy would endure a total of 13.7 miles of this by the end of the day.

    Heading Up the Valley

    Heading Up the Valley

    Jeremy's Knee Gets Some Relief

    Jeremy's Knee Gets Some Relief on Level Ground

    Upper Relief Valley

    Upper Relief Valley Elevation 8815 ft.
    This was truly a beautiful place with carpets of green grasses dotted with small yellow and lavender flowers everywhere you looked.

    Wandering Trail

    Meandering Trail

    Tony Entering Whitesides Meadow

    Tony Entering Whitesides Meadow Elevation 8850 ft.

    Open Space

    Open Space

    Cows in the Meadow

    Cows in the Meadow
    At the end of this meadow, we came across a father with his 12 yr. old son. They were doing a multiple day trip together, which gave us hope that our own children might be able to do trips of the same length and distance when they got older.

    North Eastern View from the Trail

    North Eastern View from the Trail Elevation 8750 ft.
    Somewhere past the junction going to Meadow Lake.

    Pressing on to Lake Valley

    Pressing on to Lake Valley

    Cutting South to Chewing Gum Lake

    Cutting South to Chewing Gum Lake. Elevation 8750 ft.

    Chewing Gum Lake

    Chewing Gum Lake Elevation 8697 ft.

    View from Camp

    View from Camp

    Welcome Relief

    Welcome Relief at the End of a Long Day
    Time to wash up, tank up, and rinse away the dust from our faces and feet.

    Placid Waters

    Ripple in the Mirror

    Day's Damage

    The Day's Damage
    Since Jeremy's left knee was hurting him, this caused him to favor his right leg most of the day, which resulted in this lovely blister to add to his troubles.

    Sleeping Out on the Rocks

    Sleeping out on the Rocks under a Full Moon
    That evening we were treated with the sight of a full moon rising from behind the peak that you see in the background.
    Sleeping with my bivy open in my Marmot Atom 40 F degree sleeping bag, the full moon shined brightly in my eyes as I tried to fall asleep. Despite temperatures being in the mid-forties F, I felt cold spots on my legs. No doubt a result of my bag having sewn through baffles.

    Little Joys

    Little Joys, Full Moon and a Bright Fire
    After building up and improving an existing fire pit, I was able to find some fallen logs that were termite eaten. The pyro that I am, I managed to gather up enough wood to last us well past midnight. There is nothing like staring a cracking fire, dancing in the night sky to lose your thought and to reflect on the day's events.

    Warm Glow

    Joshua Billings
    BPL Member


    Locale: Santa Cruz,Ca

    We just did an overnighter to Gem lake a couple of weeks ago. Nice area. Really enjoy all of your trip reports Tony.


    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    yep and looks like they were warmer than us too

    Michael Davis


    Locale: South Florida

    Great pictures, Tony! Thanks!

    Jay Wilkerson
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay

    Again-great pictures Tony. That area is just like a home field: easy to get too, lots of options and a In & Out Burger on the way home in Manteca.

    BPL Member


    Locale: .

    Wonderful photos. What kind of camera do you use?

    victoria maki
    BPL Member


    Locale: northern minnesota

    what beautiful pictures. thank you for sharing….

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    This is sorta funny and embarassing, but I am using a 5.5 yr old Cannon Digital Elph S230 3.2 Mega Pixel Camera that is falling apart with the lens cover broken off.

    On top of that, when I try to take a photos, there is a 50% chance that the camera will start taking video for 3 seconds vs. taking the shot.

    The front of the camera is the size of a driver's license and is about an inch or so thick…think it weighs 9 oz with the battery.

    In fact, I can not even buy rechargable batteries for it anymore.

    I have been trying to figure out what camera to buy to replace it.

    To be fair, I am using Photoshop Elements to use their idiot quick fix feature to clean up the shots and to bring the color out.

    Overall, I love the camera and am holding off as long as I can before buying a new one.

    I like that it has a small LCD, figuring that I get more shots per battery then.

    Glad that everyone is enjoying the photos, just sorry that there are soooo many photos for you all to go through.

    I have a hard time figuring out what to post and what to throw out, but still tell the story of what happened.

    This one will be the largest so far with a little over 100 total shots.

    Jay- This trip was the 1st time that I have been to Emigrant Wilderness….I am still a newbie in that I have only been doing this for 3 years, so it is exciting to think of all the places that I have not been to yet.

    More photos to come.


    Ed Engel


    Locale: West of what you think is west

    Keep posting photos Tony, I always enjoy the photos and the commentary. You help me realize I need to take the time to stop and pull out the camera.

    Casey Bowden
    BPL Member


    Locale: Berkeley Hills


    Given the time you invest in posting photos with good captions for your trips, I think you need your own website. I'd hate to see your effort wasted if something happened to this site.

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    Thanks for the vote of confidence in thinking that my photos are worthy of having their own website, but I am too lazy to figure out how to get one or setup one.

    As I see it, if it were not for BPL, I would have never gotten out to these places lugging a traditional 50 lb load, so I am very happy to you all as my audience to share these photos.

    Otherwise, they would just be pretty photos for my screen saver at work to hold me over before my next adventure.

    And yes, it would suck hard if this site/server went down and all these photos were lost!


    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    Well Tony you have to join Jay, Josh and myself on some trips. So many places so little time. Nice pics!!

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area


    Jeremy and I would love to join some fellow BPLers on a trip.

    As it is we don't know anyone else who is crazy enough to weigh their gear on a postal scale to figure out how to save an ounce.


    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    Well we are doing a Point Reyes trip in January. Just an overnighter. 17 miles and just Saturday and Sunday. Jay mentioned that you live in the East Bay. Come with us, it will be fun!!

    Frank Perkins


    Locale: North East

    great pics and commentary. Thanks for sharing!

    Linda Vassallo


    Locale: Eastbay

    Tony: Your photos are awesome. They truly show the beauty of the area. I never tire of looking at your photos and reading your commentary.
    Linda V

    Tony Wong
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Francisco Bay Area

    Now that I am done posting all of these photos, I wanted to take a moment to explain why I am dedicating these series of photos to his memory.

    I did not personal know Christopher Andrews, but upon reading the article in the SF Gate/Chronicle of how he had backpacked alone into the Emigrant Wilderness, I was dismayed by the number of comments posted on the story of his death that were quick to question his judgment to go alone and to do so considering that he was a parent with two young children.

    Someone even went to go so far as to declare:

    "A. Never stake your life on a gadget like an epirg, gps or cell phone. Always assume these system will fail and plan accordingly. B. Do not hike solo unless you are prepared to have your wife and small children pay the price for your choices. C. "Into the Wild" is not what a father of young children needs to be pretending about. I feel so sorry for the family, but find the judgment of this man seriously flawed. As parents we all make these kinds of choices, and his was clearly selfish and wrong."

    I do not wish to start a debate on merits or risk of hiking alone.

    We are all adults and have to make that decision for ourselves, understanding the impact that it may have on our friends and family.

    What struck me about the online debate that resulted was that there was a context to the story that was missing in the sterile message board postings of cyberspace.

    I believe that the context that was missing was for people to have some understanding of what might have motivated Christopher Andrews to want to go backpacking in the Emigrant Wilderness.

    Why do we climb mountains?

    Because they are there.

    Perhaps in some small way, these photos might provide some context that was missing in this tragic story.

    My condolences to his wife, Amy, and their two young children.

    -Tony Wong

    David Ure



    Jeremy Pendrey
    BPL Member


    Locale: California

    Tony: Thanks for posting these. As always, I do none of the photographic work, but get to be in most of the pics. As long as I keep organizing trips, you'll let me get away with it.
    And thanks for dedicating the post to Christopher Andrews. I didn't know him either, but I share his love of the Sierra and his love of hiking solo.
    As for more trips, I've already got next summer covered . . .

    Tom Clark
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Coast

    Trip reports like yours are one of the best things about BPL. Luckily, there are many other great things here. Thanks for sharing the photos, I know it takes alot of time to load photos and add comments. Keep them coming so I can do some exploring from my house in PA with my 2 yr. old on my lap.

    Rick Dreher
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northernish California

    Love the photos and story, Tony. Don't love the blister photo quite so much ;-)

    You've inspired me to pitch in. I really like Emigrant, and used to hike it frequently when I lived farther south. I hiked out of Crabtree a month after your trip, on a four-day solo. Here are a few photos from that hike.

    I got a late start and found myself hiking after dark (via headlamp and, later, moonlight). One really appreciates the challenges of following rocky, indistinct trails once the sun goes down. GPS is VERY helpful in finding and following junctions, otherwise it can be literally impossible.

    (Let me mention how much I love trails that are beaten to smithereens by commercial packers. It makes hiking so much more pleasant and navigating much easier.)

    Actual trail hidden beneath protective fluff layer.

    By Contrast, intermittently one finds oneself hiking on a horsie superhighway.

    Rock escalator to menswear, housewares floor

    It was difficult to find a watered place to camp. By September this year pretty much all the streams had dried up, including those normally perennial (we're in year two of a drought here). After finding the trail junction I headed down (dry) Cherry Creek, not really knowing how long I'd be hiking that night or whether I'd have to dry camp with my dwindling water supply (down to a pint or so). Very luckily, I spotted the moon's reflection off of a pool in the distance, and by ear located a tiny audible trickle. The entire flow of this branch of Cherry Creek is represented here:

    Roaring Cherry Creek

    Considering how large the streambed is this dribble seemed impossibly small, but it disappeared entirely farther downstream. My improved luck held and I found a nice campsite across the mighty rapid from the trail. What it lacked in views it made up for in amenities (i.e., flat spot to sleep on).

    Cherry Creek basin

    Day's destination: Hyatt Lake, via a combination of trail and XC. Much of Emigrant is subalpine forest, but at relatively low elevations it opens up into alpine country, with an always interesting blend of classic Sierra granite and volcanic geology. The trip into the Hyatt basin includes rocky cols and granite slabs, opening vistas south into Yosemite.

    I came across this exposed vein of quartz, forming a vertical curtain.

    Quarts o' quartz

    The lake basin opens up from the north. A small surprise is revealed to the observant (which doesn't include me).

    Hyatt basin from the north

    Surprise! Earlier in the summer, somebody evidently let their campfire get out of control, burning most of the campsites into a sad memory.

    Crispy camp

    I camped at a site that was legal when I was there, due to the lake's receded shoreline. If the lake had been fuller, I'd have had to look elsewhere.

    Hyatt camp

    One of the big Hyatt attractions: a vast quartz sand beach.

    Hyatt beach

    That's as far as I've gotten with the photo set! Perhaps more later, presuming Tony and I haven't torpedoed the BPL server ;-)

    Ken Helwig
    BPL Member


    Locale: Scotts Valley CA via San Jose, CA

    Yep Rick, Crabtree is/does get pretty chewed up from the packers. Though it is my fave trailhead to start trips in Emmigrant. It just has so mmany different loops that can be done.

    Never been to Hyatt Lake, most go there! Looks quite nice!!

    Denis Hazlewood
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    To get to Hyatt Lake, from the confluence of the Cherry Creek West Fork and Buck Meadow Creek, do you head down Louse Canyon and cut south up to Rosasco Lake?

    I came through there the last week in September and followed Cherry Creek down Louse Canyon to find water in the bed rock pools. The southeasterly side of Louse Canyon looks really steep in the photos I took.
    Louse Canyon at Sunrise
    Sunrise looking down Louse Canyon.

    Rick Dreher
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northernish California

    Hi Ken,

    Yes, you head up and away from the canyon, heading south. Here's a piece of the "trail"–one of the more distinct bits, actually:

    spur trail to Rosasco

    I found it's easier to route-find going up than down, where I lost it [trail, not mind] completely halfway. The described route to Hyatt passes north of Rosasco, then circles an unnamed peak and drops to Hyatt from the northeast.

    Hyatt is also approachable from the south, but I've not done that bit. I'd planned on trying the route via the Kibbie Ridge trail a few years ago, but didn't make it that far in that time.

    Victor Karpenko
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Thanks for the update on Hyatt lake. I have been there when there were at lest five other groups camping. It can get quite crowded for an out of the way lake with few camping spots. What camp site was burned? Was it the one at the other end of the beach?

    Does that post near your tent still have a message on it from the Forest Service?

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