I’ve searched previous threads and haven’t found a lot of talk about this? Sorry if there’s already info out there and I’ve missed it. I’m just curious what people are using for their winter sleeping pad set ups. Personally I’m looking for fairly minimalist stuff for east coast winters (Adirondacks and maybe Whites). I don’t plan on doing any snow shelter camping. This would be either tent or tarp depending upon conditions. I do realize that a lot of this has to do with personal metabolism/comfort level/etc.
ignore the Anon. post. most people who frequent these Forums are more helpful. Anon. may just be having a rough day – we all do from time to time. at any rate, the Anon. post helped. here is a link to what Anon was prob. referring to.
Edit: Oh, and if an admin would like to delete this thread that would be fine with me. I can’t see that I have that option.
Sorry ’bout that. Actually I was using the ‘search forums’ function and… as embarrassing as this is I didn’t even realize there was a winter specific forum! Otherwise I would have looked and/or posted there.
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