I’m not finding sources of “welded stainless steel mesh” in small to moderate quantities. Anyone out there know of any.
This is basically “hardware cloth on steroids” …. it’s been used for pot stands and I think it’d be sturdier than hardware cloth when used with some of the hotter burning stoves folks are making
Jim asked about:
“I’m not finding sources of “welded stainless steel mesh” in small to moderate quantities. Anyone out there know of any.
This is basically “hardware cloth on steroids” …. it’s been used for pot stands and I think it’d be sturdier than hardware cloth when used with some of the hotter burning stoves folks are making”
Jim, the SS welded mesh is much stronger than the hardware store standard stuff. I was able to buy a big piece from Aaron at Brasslite.com. He was selling it at one time by the square foot. Send him an email and ask if he will sell you some. The picture shows the SS Welded Mesh used as the grate in a wood stove.
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