Hey Casey, Sorry you can't make the trip-maybe some other time. Arroyo Secco sounds great later the year. Sept-Oct I want to go back to Tehipite Valley. Do some home work on Tehipite Valley-Awesome. Thanks for the food list. All the food I have gotten together is calorie dence. I am debating between 1.5 lbs or 2 lbs a day. Sorry you can't make it. Take Care
I'm ranked at 2.72, but don't know if that has gone up or down recently.
Regarding your food, your a big guy so I'd err on the side of bringing more food. 2 lbs/day is not excessive. Be careful not to cut weight too much by substituting carbs for fat. On my Sonora Pass trip I bonked as I couldn't get energy fast enough from my high fat foods, I would have killed for some Gatorade. Or maybe I should have given myself some time to acclimate (left Bay Area in morning, started hiking at 9600 feet at noon, stopped 27.5 miles later).
Don't worry. Have a great time! The scenery around Sonora Pass is awesome.
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