I’m looking at both the Gossamer Gear G-6 and the Mountain Laurel Designs Prophet 25 for some serious sub 15 lb. load (total) uberlite packing covering some significant portions of our Western real estate this Sept. Both seem to have their points but what do people out there have to say ?
Carol C. ? I know you have experience w/ both.
Doug Johnson ? I may not try to cover 50 mi. a day,
but certainly 30 plus. What do you think ?
I love my new G6. No experience with the MLD Prophet 25, but I do have a custom made Epic Soul Bivy from MLD – excellent craftsmanship and functionality. Both very fine companies. Based upon mfr’s listed volumes, the G6 should be a bit larger if this is important to you.
Have you read my earlier posts in another thread which describes the custom mods Mr. Bell made for me? Do you want me to describe them again? Please advise. Take care, pj
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