Long time reader first time posting. I've been taking advantage of BPL as a resource for a long time now. It's time to give back. I've scoured the web for close to a year now trying to find a good Nalgene Cantene to Sawyer water filter adapter. The only one I found at first was the Jetflow adapter. I was hesitant about these since they are $12.99. Nothing else was a perfect fit and would leak. Just recently I found some adapters on eBay for $5.49. They are lighter than the Jetflow adapters too. I bought a couple and they work great! I weighted mine at 0.4 oz. So I became a member to share the news. Hope this helps!
Update, looks like this item has changed they sell two for $8.49 now. http://www.ebay.com/itm/X2-Nalgene-to-Sawyer-water-filter-adapter-63mm-28mm-bottle-hydration-bladder-/321932919342?hash=item4af4b2822e:g:YYoAAOSwys5WWN0S
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