
Looking for senior backpackers

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Home Forums Campfire Hiking Partners / Group Trips Looking for senior backpackers

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    Henry Thomas
    BPL Member


    Planning 1 or 2 trips to the Bob Marshal and back to the Wind River Range. I am 68 and definitely planning the Wind River Range. Experienced and know my limitations. The Wind River Range would be in August and Bob Marshal is tentative.

    Jose Beltran
    BPL Member


    Locale: East Bay, San Francisco area

    Hi Henry, I definitely have interest. The Wind River Range is on my bucket list. I have been backpacking for a long time. I have done many off trail, mainly solo. Hopefully we can work something out for next year. Keep Hiking, Jose Beltran

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    Henry, 67 and interested. Also from Minnesota and like to backpack on the Superior hiking trail too. Maybe get together for coffee sometime this winter? Dave

    Hank N
    BPL Member



    I’m 63 and interested in backpacking, have 20 experience.  Lots of possible hikes and destinations. Do you have any plans for end of July 2016.


    Bob H
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Diego

    Hello fellow seniors. I propose we form MBA, mature backpackers association!  Always wanted an MBA.  I am 63 and training for High Sierra Trail,  to be followed by John Muir Trail.  We all have similar issues to address but I plan I hiking until at least 90!  Thoughts?  I am located in SoCal and always up for trip ideas.

    Rosaleen Sullivan


    Locale: New England

    LOVE the MBA idea!   I’m in MA. Anyone out this way?




    Kimberly Mooers
    BPL Member


    Hi Rosaleen;

    I’m out your way; maybe. I’m in NYS. I’m interested too in the MBA idea. Kimberly


    Cameron M


    Locale: Los Angeles

    You might want to consider working with your local Sierra Club to form an interest group, or it may already have one. There are many trips sponsored by the Angeles Chapter that are suitable for all ages and abilities, where you can participate, learn from and teach others, and not feel age-ghettoized. Beyond participation opportunities, many of us believe that making the outdoors accessible for others builds a larger community of people who will step-up to protect the environment.

    Mark Armesto
    BPL Member




    I’ll be 70 in December, and I’m planning on at least two four-five day backpacking trips in the Adirondacks this summer. I’m very flexible with time. Anyone interested?

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    SENIOR backpackers, OLDER backpackers, or just ‘post-mature’ backpackers?


    Bob H
    BPL Member


    Locale: San Diego

    Hummmm.  In horseback polo, 50 is considered a senior.  63 here and headed to JMT this fall.  Maybe should head to Adirondacks for conditioning??

    Jerry C


    Just wondering if the “Senior Backpackers” idea ever got off the ground…I’d be very interested in meeting some other folks 55 to 80 who might live in the general area of Raleigh, North Carolina where I reside…or anywhere convenient to the western NC mountains where I do most of my backpacking, camping, trout fishing, Scotch drinking, etc. :)… I’m 76, have been doing this for over 60 years and still going strong…Let me hear from you if you’re interested.  Jerry P. Cram, Sr.    [email protected]

    Roger Caffin
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wollemi & Kosciusko NPs, Europe

    got off the ground
    Nah, just went underground …

    Steve S
    BPL Member


    Finally!!!  I am 60, tons of experience, and am also planning a Winds trip this year. Please, please, lets start at least a pool of hikers who often have more time, but then have to hike alone!  I have lots of ideas!

    Jerry C


    Steve… Sorry you live so far away…I’m in the same boat…retired and can go anytime, but can’t seem to find a partner who can do the same. Take a look at my post under LOOKING FOR A HIKING PAL IN NC…If you ever get over to the east coast I’d like to meet you. Jerry Cram Raleigh, NC [email protected]

    Barry H
    BPL Member


    I am a 63yo backpacker in Ohio. Now employed very part time, probably fully retired later this year. Finally getting to do some of the trips I have always wanted to do but were too busy working and being a Father to school age kids before.

    Looking to hike the Becton McKay trail from Springer Mtn to Davenport Gap over 3-4 wks between mid April and mid May. Would be happy to have a hiking partner or two for this trip. Let me know if anyone here is free and interested.


    [email protected]

    Steve S
    BPL Member


    well, it seems to me that we need to get some dates down and see who is interested! Might be possible for the western folks to gather for a start

    August in the Winds?

    I’m not up on the winter snow packs in various regions; but wondered about trips to the Sierras’, and Utah high country as well…    Would be pretty awesome if there was a trip once a month for the season! Nice motivation and makes logistics much easier…

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    a friendly reminder – “bots” troll the net to gather email addresses for less than honorable purposes.

    At the least throw a little chaff in there – greg atttt smgm dott org   – or paste in a jpg  




    Jerry C


    Barry… The Benton Mackaye is slightly less than 300 miles…I haven’t done any of it, except the very short portion that duplicates the AT and the newly designated sections through the Smokies… I couldn’t do all of it with you, because of the time required, but perhaps we could do a week or so together…maybe two.  I am 76 and can make about 8 miles a day with a full pack…how does that stack up with your normal pace? Jerry Cram

    David Noll
    BPL Member


    Locale: Maroon Bells

    Steve,   I answered Henry’s call the last time and am not totally uninterested. It remains to be seen if I will have time.

    Young Packer

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