
Flash Reviews No. 13

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Flash Reviews No. 13

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    Stephanie Jordan


    Locale: Rocky Mountains

    Companion forum thread to:

    Flash Reviews No. 13

    ewell clarke


    Save some weight and keep your fingers warmer too: Get some gloves with fingers on them and you can discard the metal handles on those pots.

    David Ure


    Bet the gloves will weigh almost the same as the handles.

    K. Urs Grütter, LL.M.
    BPL Member


    Locale: Switzerland

    TD cones are one of my favorite utensils – they are lightweight and good handling! Had one with me on our recent trip in the Highs Sierras and could not have been happier wiht a stove/cooking system!
    However consider the following: Fissure adds weight as opposed to single-piece units. I definitely do not like to store stove and fuel in my cookpot. I roll the cone around my fuel bottle, and put it together with the stove, stakes etc. in a container (1.5l pet bottles).
    Plus: On a few boil-tests I found out that lower, larger diameter cones are slightly more fuel efficent than small diameter, higher ones: Boiling the Toaks UL 1350 Pot + Sidewinder Ti-Tri Bundle against the Classic TiTri for a toaks 750 showed a 10% difference in favor of the 1350 as far as fuel consumption for boiling 500grs of water (ethyl-alcohol) was concerned.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Love my cones

    Love my Fenix

    You can buy a ton of bandanas for the price of those towels, yikes.

    Dale Wambaugh
    BPL Member


    Locale: Pacific Northwest

    I use a similar Fenix LD01 AAA flashlight as an EDC item and use it often. These small powerful flashlights are so much more effective than the weak little coin cell lights. Replacing the battery is easy and batteries are available everywhere.

    When hiking, I use a similar AA flashight so the battery matches my headlamp.

    I would use the SAK MiniChamp with some caution as it has a magnet in the screwdriver that could effect a compass. The magnetic bite valve holders on some hydration systems are even worse as they are typically right at the same level you would taking a bearing. Some bear bells come with magnetic silencers that should be avoided as well.

    Eric Blumensaadt
    BPL Member


    Locale: Mojave Desert

    I love the Tri-Ti setup.I have the "little brother" Sidewinder and, with a 3 cup pot, is the perfect size for ESBIT tablet fuel. However let me say that I feel using ANY ti pot is senseless. Aluminum spreads heat to avoid hot spots,unlike Ti. Aluminum with a hard anodized coating is every bit as "safe" as Ti and it is MUCH less expensive. I've always felt that Ti utensils and cookware were an affectation. 'Nuff sed.

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    "I've always felt that Ti utensils and cookware were an affectation." Unless you are dry baking, and are concerned about melting aluminum. Unlikely, but it's not something I want to have to think about.

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