
Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 18

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 18

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  • #1329714
    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    Companion forum thread to:

    Lightweight Backpacking News: Digest No. 18

    Sarah Kirkconnell
    BPL Member


    Locale: Homesteading On An Island In The PNW

    Love it as usual :-D

    Jonathan Davis
    BPL Member


    Thank you :)

    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    Hello Everyone,

    The vision of our forum community is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for participants that is encouraging and positive, where our participants (whether editors, guest authors, members, or other community participants) can be built up rather than torn down (please review our forum guidelines here).

    With that in mind, a few notes regarding the discussion that resulted in this thread, most of which our editors and myself have now removed:

    1. First, if you have some constructive feedback for our editors that is unrelated to the content (grammar, spelling, etc.), please submit it to [email protected] – we all monitor this address and can directly address the feedback. This will generally elicit a more rapid response by us so we can fix any issues in the article. We really do appreciate your eye for detail and are eager to fix production and other inaccuracies in our published content.

    2. Second, please keep the forum threads attached directly to the articles focused on discussing the content in the article, so they don't get sidetracked by unrelated issues.

    Again, please keep your feedback encouraging and positive. This may seem redundant, but we really wish to cultivate a safe and welcoming community where newcomers are encouraged to participate and become positive contributors as well. A culture of negativity is not one that is particularly welcoming, especially to new participants.

    If we can focus our energies on creating a positive community that considers what we all share in common – a love of the outdoors and of the philosophy of lightweight travel, all of us will benefit greatly.

    Best Regards,
    Ryan Jordan

    William Chilton
    BPL Member


    Locale: Antakya

    I appreciate your work in putting together these digests Jonathan.
    I read this thread when many comments were still available. None of them seemed rude to me and one of them (from the Idester – BPL's voice of reason) was offering to help. I'm surprised to see them deleted.

    Jonathan Davis
    BPL Member


    Thank you :)

    Jonathan Davis
    BPL Member


    @William Thank you! I hope that I can continue to bring stories to the table that are of interest and inspire people to get out enjoy the real magic of life.

    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    Thanks Ryan, I look forward to seeing all of the positive changes and watching as the vision of a more supportive membership transforms BPL into a welcoming place for everyone.

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there


    BPL Member


    Nice article

    Cayenne Redmonk
    BPL Member


    Locale: Greater California Ecosystem

    I think calling for a warm welcome forum, while at the same time revoking access to the article was odd.

    Must have been a software glitch. Seems to be readable again.

    Paul S.
    BPL Member


    Locale: PNW

    "Again, please keep your feedback encouraging and positive."

    So, no constructive criticism? Just remind everyone how perfect we all are? Or maybe I'm misconstruing the intent with that comment (I hope)?

    BPL Member


    Check out this …

    Deleted as spam and poster registered as a spammer.

    Roger Caffin
    Online Community Monitor
    Backpacking Light

    Justin Miller
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    I take this with me on all my trips to the remote jungles of Congo. Not once has my camp been invaded by the grey gorilla…

    Ken Thompson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Right there

    Last thing I think about before getting in my shelter…

    Link .
    BPL Member


    OH What a surprise

    Jake Fernandes

    Marketing Major
    Greater Boston AreaHigher Education
    Brite-Strike Technologies, Inc

    Marketing Intern
    Brite-Strike Technologies, Inc

    And now registered as a spammer at BPL

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