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michelle Annett


We did a 50/10 split for hiking and on uphill i would slow down to 2 mph uphill or whatever my body told me to. I would not say i was hiking very hard. It is possible i could have picked up something but i have always filtered water so i doubt it would be from that. I drink a lot of water seeing as i am a big man and i sweat like crazy. I probably drank 120-140 ounces of water every day when i back pack ( about half a liter or more every 50/10 min break). The weird part is that it is always after the first day. During the first day i am perfectly fine and i eat my 3000-3500 calories that day. However the next day is a totally different story, i cant even choke down food, or i can but i cant hold it. Could this possible be something maybe unconsciously? I get a little nervous/excited. Sometimes i do prone to worry a little more than i always have to. Thanks again for you guys reply s


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