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The Coleman Xtreme canister stove is arguably the best winter canister stove on the market, outperforming almost any liquid fuel stove around. It is very easy to use, highly reliable, emits negligeable carbon monoxide, and does not die in the cold. Its only downsides are that it requires the special Powermax canisters (though they are superior to other canisters) and the weight - more than an upright canister stove but still less than for other liquid feed stoves.


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Manufacturer, Year/Model, Fuels, Power, Stove Weight, Stove leg radius, Stove pot support radius, Stove pot support height, Packing size, Burn time (on high), Accessories, MSRP
  • Overview
    • Powermax Fuel Canisters
  • Field Use
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations for Improvement

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