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Want to try fast camping in the snow but haven't done it before and not sure how? Haven't time in the evening to build a snow cave or an igloo just for the night? We walk you through the basics of special gear needed for spending the night in the snow, how to choose a good site, how to create a platform and how to pitch your tent (or a tarp if you are really brave).


  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Special Gear Needed just for Snow Camping
    • The Shelter
    • The Anchors
    • Air Mats and Foam - Underneath
    • Quilts and sleeping bags - On Top
    • Stove, Food and Cooking
      • Wood Fire
      • Alcohol and Esbit
      • Liquid fuel
      • Canister
    • Actually Doing the Camping Bit
      • Choosing a good site
      • Creating a tent platform
    • Operational Details

    # WORDS: 4990
    # PHOTOS: 24

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