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Brunton GreenHeat is a gelled alcohol fuel that comes in a can (like Sterno), along with a pot stand/windscreen, for use as a backpacking or emergency stove. The "Eco-Friendly" moniker means that the alcohol is derived from plant sources rather than petroleum. I evaluated the Brunton GreenHeat stove by comparing it with Esbit solid fuel tablet and alcohol stoves in the lab and field.


  • Introduction
  • Specifications: Packaged Weight, Net Weight, Pot stand/Windscreen Weight, MSRP
  • What’s Good
  • What’s Not So Good
  • Performance
    • GRAPH: Boil Time: GreenHeat vs. Esbit and Alcohol
    • GRAPH: Fuel Consumption: GreenHeat vs. Esbit and Alcohol
    • TABLES: Comparative Boil Times, Fuel Consumption, Fuel Mileage, and Cost per pint of water boiled for GreenHeat vs. Esbit and alcohol under optimal, cold, and windy conditions.
  • What’s Unique
  • Suggestions For Improvement

    WORD COUNT: 1,400
    # PHOTOS: 2
    #GRAPHS: 2
    #TABLES: 4

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