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Backpacking Light staff are known to do almost anything to satisfy our subscribers' thirst for knowledge about lightweight backcountry travel. We'll freeze our tushes off in sleeping bags with optimistic temperature ratings, we'll trek up mountains in a self-created sauna wearing a jacket that claims to be breathable, and - at Outdoor Retailer Markets - we'll forgo sleep and bathroom breaks, suffer hand cramps from note taking and typing, and this year, even eat food we don't like. All in the quest for real knowledge.

For the second Outdoor Retailer Market in a row, Backpacking Light staff (Mike, Ryan, Carol, Matt, Vic, Don, and Alan) offer their widely varying opinions on food. This show we tackled eight dried and freeze dried backpacking entrées from four companies. We added a new score to our "Would I Take It Backpacking" category - zero. Yes, some of our testers had vey strong opinions about certain offerings. Three entrées emerged in the top three places, significantly separated from the rest of the pack.


  • Introduction
  • TABLE 1: Ratings Charts for Entrées
  • TABLE 2: Comments, Positive and Negative
  • TABLES 3-9: Individual Testers' Ratings Charts
  • # WORDS: 500
    # TABLES: 9

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