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The Virga 2 is an upgrade of the classic Tarptent Virga one-person single wall tent. It’s grown a little in size and weight, and has morphed into a 1+ person shelter. The floored version still comes in under 2 pounds and provides full weather and bug protection, which is pretty darn good. There are a few pros and cons to the design changes - is the Virga 2 resoundingly better than the classic Tarptent Virga, or has something been lost?


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Year/Model, Fabrics, Pole Material, Weight, Area, Area to Weight Ratio, Dimensions, MSRP
  • Performance
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations For Improvement

# WORDS: 1900

# PHOTOS: 20


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