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Introduced in early 2006, the Tarptent Rainbow (one-person) and Double Rainbow (two-person) are a major departure from traditional Tarptent design. Instead of a front beak entry and headroom-only-at-the-front, the Rainbows use a monopole design with side entry through a vestibule. The design provides abundant usable space and headroom. It is also free-standing if you attach trekking poles to the ends. The Double Rainbow is a two-person/two-door/two-vestibule version of the Rainbow, and weighs 8 ounces more. This review assesses how the design and feature set of the Double Rainbow work for two people sharing the tent.


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Year/Manufacturer/Model, Style, Fabrics, Poles and Stakes, Dimensions, Packed Size, Total Weight, Trail Weight, Protected Area, Floor Area/Trail Weight Ratio, Protected Area/Trail Weight Ratio, MSRP, Options
  • Performance
    • Assessment
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations for Improvement

# WORDS: 2460

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