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Bryan Redd


As a new business, BPL is doing many things right. Customer service, however, is something that must be done right, without exception. Because if not, regardless of how well a new business does other things, if it fails at customer service, it will indeed eventually fail as a business. I’ve seen too many small businesses with great products or services fail because their founders could not implement on critical business functions, including customer service. And that occurs typically because the founders become arrogant (or blind) and believe that the popularity of their product or service is all that matters and the essential business functions don’t. That attitude can last for awhile, but then it always, always is replaced by dispair and disbelief as the company’s apparent success changes to failure. I am hopeful that BPL will avoid such a fate. I believe its founders will do what is necessary to prevent that from happening. We’ll see.

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