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The Mountain Laurel Designs Silnylon Pro Poncho Tarp is the only poncho/tarp available with a catenary ridgeline, and hood set into the ridgeline. It also has more generous dimensions than other poncho/tarps, while keeping weight to a minimum. Are the extra features (and cost) really worth it in terms of field performance, and how does it stack up against a lighter spinnaker poncho/tarp?


  • Introduction
  • What's Good
  • What's Not So Good
  • Specifications: Manufacturer, Year/Model, Style, What's Included, Fabric, Weight, Dimensions, Features, Options, MSRP
  • Performance
  • TABLE: Comparison of Silnylon Poncho/tarps
  • Why get a silnylon poncho-tarp rather than spinnaker?
  • What's Unique
  • Recommendations For Improvement

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# PHOTOS: 10


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