This is not really a backpacking trip report or video, just a fun day on the river as we run some class 1, 2 and 3 rapids down the upper section of the Lehigh River in Pennsylvania.  Its a great day any day but this particular day was a damn release and the river was flowing at 1200 cfs.  We put in at Whitehaven and took out at Rockport.  For those unfamiliar with whitewater kayaking but interested in learning the sport, I would recommend first getting used to flat water kayaking.. Also you should find a local class and take lessons from a qualified instructor before jumping right in in your own. There are also swift water rescue courses that can be taken, and as you progress to bigger water and class rapids, the swift water rescue courses should be mandatory.  We do plan on taking these courses soon, as last year Was our plan.. but we all know that story… so hopefully spring 2022 we can get the courses completed.  Obviously,  if u watch the video you will see we are clearly beginner whitewater kayakers.  We have taken a few courses with certified instructors and continue to run the sections of river we are comfortable in to progress and learn more. Yes, I am still learning to roll!! I am the guy swimming in this video, lol.  Anyway,  I am glad I have gotten my son involved not only in my backpacking adventures but also the whitewater kayaking! Its something special seeing him up his game out there and learn to read the river and make some moves.