I can’t backpack anymore and I’m moving out of the country. This is a list of gear I have for sale. With the exception noted most of this gear is lightly used.
PayPal only.
- 1 HMG windrider 4400 pack. Used maybe 8 times SOLD
- HMG ultamid 4 and ultamid half insert SOLD
- Exped 3 person tent used once.  SOLD
- Western mountaineering badger SOLDÂ
- Warbonnet outdoors down sleeping quilt. SOLD
- Warbonnet outdoors Blackhawk hammock used a few times. I’ll throw the tarp in as well. SOLD
- The North face down vest in good shape extra large $25.
- The North face gore tex hard shell 30 years old in okay shape good for snow XL $45
- The North face Gore-Tex pants large. In good shape sold
- Arc’teryx Gamma mx hoody and pants Sold
- The North face wind blocking jacket well used with a small hole in the front pocket but it doesn’t go through to the inside XLÂ
- Garmin inreach mini. sold
- Garmin Fenix 5Â plus titanium with sapphire glass. $150
 Thanks everybody for your purchases and I’m going to close this out as the majority is sold.
I’ll take the badger pls
Also the Ultamid and insert
PM sent on the Ultamid & insert :)
Pm sent for the Warbonnet quilt, hammock, and tarp.
Badger sleeping bag and ultamid and insert sold. Thank you Robert. And thanks everyone for their interest.
Exped Orion sold. Thanks!
please see my PM about the windrider
Please see my response to you.
Windrider sold. Thanks !