Up for sale are the following items listed below. Will be shipped out via USPS priority mail within 3 days of purchase. Email me at [email protected] for inquiries since BPL message notifications never reach me. Only accepting Paypal G&S.
Yes, I’m a bit of a MLD fanboy.
- Patagonia R1 Fleece. Men’s Medium. $30. SOLD
- Only getting rid of since I’m bulking up and can’t fit anymore. Has multiple small holes as shown in pictures. Priced to reflect the condition. Still keeps you warm and would be great as a work/hiking fleece you won’t mind getting messed up.
- MLD Grace Solo. 30D Silnylon. $75.
- Purchase on BPL 2 months ago from Joe Badger. He never used it and I only set this up twice to test pitch. I just keep going back to my old trusty Duomid over tarps. Comes with stuff sack.
- MLD Bag Liner: $30. SOLD
- I bought it used and used it only 2-3 times. Still in great condition. I wouldn’t recommend this to large folks.
- MLD Bug Bivy 2. $150. SOLD
- I just got this thing in the mail and used it once. If you want a full coverage bivy for use with a tarp, this is the bivy for you! As stated earlier, I’m reducing my shelters to just a Duomid and this bivy doesn’t work well with it. My loss is your gain.
- 5x Ti Sheppard hook stakes. $5. SOLD
- Only selling this with the purchase of something else.
- Bag of random makes/length of guy line. FREEÂ TAKEN
- Let me know if you want this and I’ll throw it in with the purchase of something else.
- 2 Smallish MLD silnylon stuff sacks. FREEÂ TAKEN
- Extra stuff sacks I don’t need. Will throw in with the purchase of something else.
Image gallery:Â https://imgur.com/a/A4B05UU
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