Odds and ends sitting around, not getting used anymore, etc.  All in good shape or better as noted…

MSR Titan 850 and 2L pots – Also have pot cozy for the 850.  Barely used, really.  $100 shipped for the kit and I’ll toss in a Sawyer Water  pouch.

Snow Peak 750 pot and 600 cup – Some use but still in good shape.  $75 shipped and I’ll tosss in a Sawyer Water pouch.

Nemo Tensor Long/Wide – a couple years old, but used only a few nights, indoors actually, so really like new with stuff sack, repair kit and pump sack – $150 shipped.

Steripen – also new.  This was a warranty replacement I got from them about a year ago and I’ve never used it – $75 shipped.

ZPacks Dyneema Pack cover – NEW.  Not sure why I bought this, I think it was an accident, I was trying to buy a liner lol.  Anyway, my mistake your gain – $50 shipped and I’ll toss in a Hilltops stake sack too.  – SOLD

Peak Pro Capture Clip… also bascially new, not wide enough for my pack straps – $45 – SOLD