
Ziplock bag as iPhone 6 case

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    Anna T
    BPL Member


    I just discovered that a Target brand ziplock bag, the 1 cup portion control style, is the perfect size to be a waterproof case for my iPhone 6. (The photo below is of my general-purpose Incipio case inside the bag, since my phone can’t take a picture of itself… yet.)

    The plastic seems moderately durable, though not quite as thick as a Ziploc brand heavy duty bag. I can type just fine.

    What do other folks use to protect phones from the wet stuff?



    Lance M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon

    Nice find.  Thanks for posting.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    I use standard ziploc freezer bags, cut to size, seal with a meal sealer.  They’re designed for thicker plastic, but if you let it sit a moment after sealing, then carefully remove, it works okay.

    Hoosier T
    BPL Member


    Locale: Midwest

    I use the loksak phone bag. It has been very durable for me. Not cheap, but I trust it so I use it.

    Mercedes Clemens
    BPL Member


    I also use the Target portion bags for my phone (iPhone 5s).

    I’ve also found the portion bags useful for:

    • a Sawyer mini — I keep my mini in the bag (fits perfectly!), then inside the hip belt pocket of my pack. Keeps it clean & contains any residual wetness.
    • bug repellent & sunscreen — keeps any ooey-gooeyness contained
    • separating longer items that I want to keep clean/dry in my first aid kit
    James holden
    BPL Member


    for sustained rain and wet conditions i would use something more waterproof … or at least 2 ziplocks

    the opening can come loose or not be totally closed, the plastic can get worn out, you can fall in the river and get totally soaked, etc …

    in truly wet conditions water will find its way everywhere … as some of my partners have found out the hard way (does anyone bring rice to dry out their iphones on the trail?)

    when yr dealing with a 500$+ iphone vs a relatively cheap waterproof bag … getting a decent one (or multiple bagging) aint a bad idea


    Mercedes Clemens
    BPL Member


    Good points, Eric. My hiking is mostly in desert conditions — I double bag with stream crossings (don’t worry about rain too much because I’m using an umbrella). But the Target portion bags actually hold up quite well if not subjected to a lot of abuse.

    Mike M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Montana

    just ask John N what he thinks of ziplocks for protection for his iphone :)  we had to ford the N Fork of the Blackfoot several times during the Bob Open, unfortunately John’s ziplock did not prevent killing his iphone (mine was in a Lifeproof case and came out unscathed)

    for mild wet conditions maybe, anything beyond that I’d want to protect my expensive investment with something more “proof”

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