Dutch now sells a 74″ wide Xenon fabric. I like the idea of a really simple 6×9 flat tarp but it sounds like Richard tested the normal width Xenon and it doesn’t do very well with a little bit of wear. Any thoughts?
Well, this Xenon weighs the same as silnylon, ~1.3oz/yd.
It is weaker than silnylon by about a third or more.
It has less durability since it cannot be re-coated. It is silicone + Polyurethane.
It is more expensive than silnylon. $9yd vs $6.30 (Outdoor Wilderness Fabrics, cosmetic 2nds)
The thread which included Richard Nisley’s tests of the initial width fabric was at: https://backpackinglight.com/forums/topic/107266/
Scrolling down, Richard reported that simulated ageing equal to several weeks of rain brought the HH below 1000mm.
Thought you might want to check it out.
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