
Wind River snowpack

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  • #3814707
    lisa r
    BPL Member


    Locale: Western OR

    Howdy folks – for people with experience in the Winds, curious if you have any beta on how snowpack is doing so far this summer compared to previous years? Planning a high route trip in mid-August and will need to make a decision about gear for snow travel. I’m having trouble finding good snotel data…Thanks!

    BPL Member


    Locale: montana

    Yes, the Snotel snowpack data is gone for the season, being replaced with year to date precipitation. However, you can extrapolate what conditions are like using the precip data. The Wind’s are at 95% of normal (median). Just to the North here in SW Montana (Gallatin County) we’re at 88%. I was out on a backpack over the weekend, and was in patchy snow above 8,000′ consistently. As to mid August, snow really isn’t much of a thing, and I’d expect generally the same in the Winds. Personally, I wouldn’t be carrying anything extra gear-related for snow.

    Before you leave, you could always call a local backpack shop in Lander, and ask about conditions.

    BPL Member


    Locale: montana

    Aside, apart from low gaiters (which I always carry anyway), and assuming you carry poles, a cane or staff, the only additional thing you may want are microspikes. That’s it.

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