if you have some warm days then your sleeping bag will dry out.
If it is fine when we stop to camp and if there is time before the sun goes down, we put our quilts out in the sun to dry.
Last evening of trip, previous nights had been sub-zero.
well I got my new sleeping bag, in long so I could store some stuff at the bottom easier and we got a big dump of snow (and cold) so I took the bag out on it’s maiden voyage on a two day/one night snowshoe trip
when I hit the hay, I put my boots, socks, gaiters, fuel canister, water and a few bits of food I didn’t want frozen- I used the dcf dry bag that I keep my sleeping bag- so no extra weight
with that stuff in at the foot, I basically had a regular length sleeping bag- which is all I need at 5’11”, so that worked out well
the dry bag was a very good idea as I unwittingly didn’t have the Nalgene all the way screwed down and lost the water in the bag! it did turn my damp boots, socks, gaiters into wet boots, socks, gaiters BUT I prevented a very bad situation by putting everything in a dry bag as I didn’t get a drop of moisture in the bag!!!! Phew!
on a more positive note, while everything was wet- nothing was frozen and the canister stove fired right up just fine at 0 degrees (and kept firing w/ the help of a copper strip)
any who, I’m absolutely sold on a long bag for winter trips!
Fun to see that early snow trip picture! Thanks for posting!
I’m with you, I put just about everything I can inside my long bag with my boots and socks and as many next-day clothes as possible, along with water at the foot. I’m 6′ 2″ but am a side-sleeper that leaves more than a foot at the bottom of the bag. I see no reason to thaw or use cold gear if I don’t have to.
I’m a tight fit in my bag even tho it is an Expedition cut. This is why I got Jan at Nunatak to make my LW overquilt 600mm wide at the bottom to fit my wide mat, room at the bottom to put my boots and one or two other small items
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