
Velcro used by Zpacks

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Velcro used by Zpacks

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  • #3387819
    Don Burton


    Locale: City of Angels

    does anyone know what type of Velcro Zpacks uses for their packs and dry bags? I’ve seen it on other products from different companies but not sure what it’s called exactly. I don’t think it’s Omni tape because from its description it contains both hook and loop together. The Zpacks stuff has a hook and a loop side. Is it snag free Velcro? Not sure because when I looked it up it doesn’t say there are separate hook and loop pieces.


    Stephen M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Way up North

    Give Joe a call and ask.

    Franco Darioli


    Locale: Gauche, CU.

    Possibly the same type they sell :
    called One Wrap Velcro

    Don Burton


    Locale: City of Angels

    Duh, I think that’s it on that page. I looked earlier and didn’t see it. Thanks

    BPL Member


    I love that just about everything ZPacks uses to manufacture their gear, they also sell “in bulk”.  Smart business move.

    Jordo _99
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nebraska

    DIYGearSupply sells it under the name “union tape” and it can also be found by searching OmniTape (velcro brand).

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