
trying to find Golite Jam/Pinnacle-compatible buckles

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear trying to find Golite Jam/Pinnacle-compatible buckles

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    Greg Pehrson
    BPL Member


    Locale: playa del caballo blanco

    I have a well-worn Golite Pinnacle, I believe from 2009 or 10 with a broken side compression buckle (both halves). One of the best things about this pack is the fact that you can buckle the straps to each other across the front of the pack to hold snowshoes. So I’m looking for a dual adjust style buckle that I believe is size 5/8” (5/8” seems to be the size of the webbing—I’m open to being corrected on the size of the buckle). But I haven’ been able to find this anywhere. Closest thing is DIY Gear Supply apex buckles, but the smallest they have is 3/4”.

    I know this is a long shot, but is there anyone out there who’s cut the compression straps and buckles off their Jam or Pinnacle to save weight and still has them or can point me in the direction of a replacement buckle? Thanks so much!

    (Wasn’t sure whether this fit better in MYOG or Gear Swap…as I’m happy to buy them but also happy to get any leads).

    John Klinepeter
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Rockies, USA

    Quest Outfitters shows a 5/8 inch side release buckle on their web page. Maybe that is what you are looking for? I’ve always received good service from them.

    John Klinepeter
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern Rockies, USA

    The suggested buckle from Quest is not a dual, though. Rats! Somebody will come up with a better suggestion.

    Greg Pehrson
    BPL Member


    Locale: playa del caballo blanco

    Here’s a pic of what it looks like:

    Jordo _99
    BPL Member


    Locale: Nebraska — I show a 5/8″ buckle under “contoured pet buckle” (most cat collars are going to be 5/8″…could just walk into a pet store and see if you find one that fits but you’ll end up spending $5-10 for a single buckle at that point).

    I think it may be easier to just buy a 3/4″ buckle and replace both pieces. A 1/8″ discrepancy isn’t shouldn’t affect performance at all.

    Mario Caceres


    Locale: San Francisco

    Trying to find the buckle that matches an existing one may be pretty hard.  If I were you I would replace both buckles so the functionality your are looking for is maintained. (i.e replace buckles in both sides of your pack).  Buckles are pretty cheep and can be found everywhere.

    Here is a side release buckle you can buy at REI.  They come in different sizes including 5/8’s

    Mario Caceres


    Locale: San Francisco

    The other thing you could do is to use (transfer) the buckle that secures the roll top to replace the broken one on the side straps.  I have the golite Jam, and in mine the buckles on the roll top are the same size than on the compression straps.  You still will need to replace one buckle (now the roll top) but at least all the buckles on the compression straps would be the same type.

    Greg Pehrson
    BPL Member


    Locale: playa del caballo blanco

    Thanks everybody for the ideas–I think I was making it more complicated than a little buckle needs to be. I had contacted My Trail Co (formerly Golite) and they told me I would not find a match. Also sent emails to Woo Jin Plastic and Duraflex–the 2 companies whose names appear on (different) buckles on the pack, but they are both distributors not retailers. Replacing both buckles (with dual adjusters in 3/4″) to keep the compatibility sounds like the way to go.

    Update: Early this morning I got an email from Woo Jin Plastic, who offered in a very friendly email to send me a replacement! And a little later a similar offer from Duraflex.

    For future reference for folks, the buckles for a Golite Jam/Pinnacle are the 15mm dual adjust Stealth Vee buckles by Woo Jin Plastic (known by the same name at Duraflex but as size 5/8″).


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