This site might be useful for anyone planning a Wyoming trip and wondering about smoke.
There may likely be similar sites for different states but this is the only one I have checked.
From the homepage of the site you can go to a particular location and check the smoke situation and especially the particulates in the air.
I was curious about the Winds so I checked out the site for Boulder by clicking on “Live Sites” choosing the Southwest quadrant, then clicking on Boulder which is about 10 miles south of Pinedale and where you turn to go to Scab Creek or Big Sandy. Good burgers at the restaurant /gas station at the intersection and a sign in the back lunch counter that reads: ” Grow your own dope! Plant a man!” Think they saw me coming?
The current picture is pretty clouded with a combination of low overcast and smoke. Looks like visibility is @ 1/2 mile? I had to scroll back to August 10th to get a really clear shot as a sort of baseline. This took quite a bit of scrolling back like @ 100 clicks so be patient. The sites evidently take a photo about every 15 minutes or maybe less. I finally found a really clear day on August 10th.
If you are planning a trip and have any flexibility this may be a useful tool.
To quote the Wicked Witch of the West: What a world, what a world!