
The Overlook: Othering in the Outdoors

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Home Forums Campfire Editor’s Roundtable The Overlook: Othering in the Outdoors

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  • #3684062


    Locale: The Cascades

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    Locale: The Cascades

    Of course, there’s also the unknown aspect of it all, what the angry guy was going through in his life. Perhaps he just lost his home, or a loved one, etc. One encounter should not imprint a specific personality onto someone we don’t know. I agree with Karen, I feel sorry for the guy, I just might not know exactly why (meaning I don’t know the source of his anger/frustration).

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    “And the angry guy will never know that until he decides to replace that angry tank with a tank of laughter and trying to leave other people with a better day then they had. Then the angry guy may even fear that angry emotion.”

    Yeah!  Maybe it’s that when he feels better with positive energy he’ll decide that’s a better way, being angry just injures yourself.

    post edited by moderator to remove political reference

    Monte Masterson
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southern Indiana

    I think it’s funny how the guy calls Ben a liberal, hippie “Mormon” lol. There’s probably no people in America who are more conservative than the Mormons. Your mistake Ben was trying to reason with a brute who only sees you as being weak when you try to talk sense to him. By not immediately moving on after his first insult you made yourself a target for even more of his aggression. Move on and then if he follows you be ready to defend yourself. But when you stand there and try to talk logic with someone like this, you’re only asking for more. None of it has anything to do with politics by the way.

    post edited by moderator to remove inappropriate content, and a reference that is unfair to farm geese

    Steofan M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Bohemian Alps

    The dialogue reads almost word for word with what I experienced daily in 1968-78 while out running or hiking.

    It must have been my long hair, running shorts, backpack or obvious Missouri Synod Lutheranism that set off so many people.

    Things just don’t change.

    post edited by moderator to remove political reference

    Cameron M


    Locale: Los Angeles

    It is indeed a pity that in the middle of a pandemic, a mask, the prime tool to keep our schools and businesses open, has become politicized in a way that divides people. It should be, and in fact is for many, a sign of unity with and concern for others that brings us together.

    Moving beyond the mask topic, and what can keep this discussion out of chaff, I have found that I can meet people in the wilderness who I would otherwise never have reason nor license to associate with and I can have a very positive experience, because we a share a common interest at the moment. In some cases I just know that I should avoid some topics.

    The few times I got out this summer were a welcome relief to all the media noise and strife of the last few months and years. Too bad some carry it with them.

    BPL Member


    post removed by moderator – off-topic

    Joseph Libera
    BPL Member


    Thank you for this article Ben.  I am an independent health care practitioner and I can say without fear of contradiction that this virus is apolitical.  Covid transmission is unrelated to voting, trade policy, gun rights and urban vs rural considerations.  I have lost 5 patients and 2 colleagues in the past 6 months to the virus. I’m not aware of their political leanings or beliefs but I do know that they were all trying to stay safe in very difficult times.

    To Ben and others wearing a mask when social distancing is impossible, I want to express my deep gratitude.  To that shrinking and increasingly lonely group among us refusing to wear a mask, “We’re doing our best”

    Look out for one another


    Ian Clark
    BPL Member


    Locale: Cntrl ROMO

    post removed by moderator – off-topic

    Karl Keating
    BPL Member


    ## This isn’t a “My body, my choice” decision.  Their actions affect others. ##

    This isn’t a good analogy, since in a “my body, my choice” decision there are two bodies involved, not one, and one of them is “affected” in the most permanent way possible.

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    Thanks Joe, I really appreciate that.

    I have been diligent mostly staying away from other people, wearing a mask the few times I go to a grocery store.  Occasionally I’ve gone to a store or whatever on a non essential trip but wore a mask.  “I’m doing my best”.  My daughter came over on Halloween and if either of us had been infected we would probably have shared it.  I did a trip with Doug and although we attempted to stay 6 feet apart outdoors, there’s a good possibility we could have infected each other.

    Trying to reduce the number of people going to hospitals and increasing your burden


    Alina G
    BPL Member


    Locale: Toronto, Ontario

    post removed by moderator for inappropriate content – please be respectful of political differences among members in our community

    Ben Kilbourne
    BPL Member


    Locale: Utah

    Thanks all for the thoughtful dialogue. There’s now so much here I won’t respond to anything individually. I just want to say I feel hopeful seeing folks with different views (mostly) talking to each other civilly with an eye toward rediscovering shared belonging.

    I feel that the backpacking community is actually a pretty good place to look for unity in a very deeply divided country because we truly are united by a shared passion.  While just a tiny portion of the country, it seems like a good place to start finding common ground.

    *** This thread has been closed by the moderators

    Ryan Jordan


    Locale: Central Rockies

    We will be removing chaff from BPL soon. As such, there’s going to be more temptation for people to have political discussions in the forums on “this side”. We’re not opposed to the discussion of policy and issues if it’s on-topic and otherwise consistent with our forum guidelines, but please steer clear from posts that reflect tribalism, trolling, identity/political affiliation shaming.

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