
The Nasty Logistics of Returning Your Too Small Pants

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Home Forums General Forums Environmental Issues The Nasty Logistics of Returning Your Too Small Pants

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  • #3729093


    Locale: The Cascades

    Interesting article in The Atlantic. Since so many people shop online these days, many buy multiple sizes and then return the ones that don’t fit (people have talked about doing so in these forums). The article talks about how much of it actually just gets tossed, and it ain’t pretty. Not so environmentally friendly it seems.

    …”though we do know that billions of pounds of returns are thrown away in the U.S. every year.”

    Ray J
    BPL Member


    I know someone whose wife goes to the store, has a “thing” about dressing rooms.  So buys several sizes of the SAME THING.  Drives home, tries them on.  Picks one (maybe) and hands the rest back to her husband for HIM to return.  And as he tells it, she is and has been the same size for a LONG time so purchasing the size on the label would be correct 95 percent of the time.   SMH.

    obx hiker
    BPL Member


    I thought this problem had been solved by T.J. Maxx. What am I missing?

    PS: Obviously Gotta renew that subscription to the Atlantic!

    BPL Member


    Locale: The West is (still) the Best

    Pants?  I’ll go with fairly cheap synthetic running shorts anymore making an error on the larger side = more ventilation.  Too big?  I’ll probably screw up the wash and put the synthetics in hot anyways which will shrink them for a future long hike bounce box.

    At the very end put them in a hiker box (laundered).   Some poorer thru hiker grabbing them will say “I can make them work” for several hundred more miles.  Christmas just doesn’t happen in December ..

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