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Home Forums General Forums Philosophy & Technique Thanksgiving

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  • #3437058
    Paul Wagner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Wine Country

    Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, which is certainly the holiday with the best food in our country. A great day for everyone except, perhaps, turkeys.   

    Along with everyone else, we’ll be chowing down on a fabulous feast.  And worrying just a bit about how we are going to lose all those extra calories.

    Let’s see.  How many calories are we going to be eating?  And how many calories do we use up on a day of backpacking?

    OK…so the more we eat tomorrow, the more days we’ll have to go backpacking next summer. 

    That seems like a win/win.

    Hope your Thanksgiving is a good one.

    Matthew / BPL


    Total win/win!

    Ethan A.
    BPL Member


    Locale: SF Bay Area & New England

    Further support for a good day-of hike – a few years ago a NY Times Health article cited a study showing that doing about an hour of vigorous aerobic exercise in the morning prior to eating any food had a marked effect preventing weight gain from big holiday meals.

    My wife and I hosted an orphan Thanksfiving for several years in a row in Silicon Valley for friends without local family. We cooked the turkeys and some side dishes and everyone brought one dish from where they grew up. We hit 45 people from 18 countries our last one, so lots of fun native dishes. Always managed a morning-of hike in a nearby preserve in the mountains near us.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

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