Hello everyone,
I just wanted to thank you for all the discussions and forums that have helped me make my down quilt.
I accidently found BPL when I decided it was time to go a little lighter on my body, and was looking for opinions on new tents to replace my 25 year old, 3kg and very beloved Minaret. (I got a Tarptent Moment). Then I read about quilts…. and went from a sceptic, to thinking they sounded good, to deciding to make one. This site has been a wealth of information and -while none of the conversations were directed at me (this is my first post – hopefully in the right place) – they were all supportive and encouraging.
So – the quilt. Finished (and stuffed) dimension are 70″ long (I am pretty short – the quilt feels a little long, but I’ll test it first) and 53 inches wide (lots of space for me). Differential cut. Zipper and drawstring footbox. 2 inch baffle height. I filled it for 2.25 inches loft (I’m in Tasmania, Australia – converting imperial to metric and back has been an exercise) with 30% overstuff. 900 fill power. Total weight is 650 g /23 oz. Argon 67 shell (shell is 240 g/8.5 oz). Edge tensioning.
I didn’t even know what most of those terms or phrases meant 3 months ago!
Thanks again. :)
PS my current winter bag is 1.4 kg/48 oz, and my old 3 season bag is 1.6kg/56.4 oz….my husband is getting it!
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