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Home Forums Off Piste Fishing & Tenkara Tenkara

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  • #3395968
    michael F


    I have been seeing a lot more on Tenkara and would love to get into it. I live in Alaska where a lot of the fish get quite large. All the reading and posts I have seen people catching smaller fish. Is there a certain model or brand I should look at for my region? Is it doable for large fish?

    I love how they pack up so small an are extremely light. I’m just not aure the rod would hold up.. or does the tippit just break off?

    Link .
    BPL Member


    You could PM BPL member Jason Klass he doesn’t post here much anymore but here is his website Tenkara Talk, another good site for asking questions and information is Tenkara Bum , but I am sure some people here will chime in. Here is Ryan Jordan’s(he started BPL) catch posted on Tenkara Bum Big Fish, Big River Tenkara and Seiryu – Tenkara – Keiryu Continuum – Part II , Seiryu – Tenkara – Keiryu – Continuum – Part II offers further thoughts on rod actions, particularly matching stiffer rods to heavier flies and larger fish.

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    Define “Big”

    YouTube is your friend – “tenkara big”, “tenkara steelhead”


    New Zealand

    BIG fish require a big rod. Consider a Diawa Kiyose 53M from TenkaraBum.

    Carp Rod Test

    Also, you need a strong enough rig to haul them in fast if you are doing C&R, plus –

    How Many Wild Steelhead Did You Kill This Year?


    Richard Scruggs
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon

    Here’s an article at Ryan Jordan’s blog from 2011.  It’s title is self-explanatory.


    Link .
    BPL Member


    Since I think Richard was trying to post a link to Ryan’s article and it doesn’t seem to be working I will link it Big River Fly Fishing: Why Tenkara Beats Western Methods …..Sorry Richard I now see your link way at the bottom of your post :)

    michael F


    Thanks for all the replies some great advice and links. I guess the fish im going after are not as big after all. Its just a lot of the stuff I was reading were really small fish. Going to get to reading some more. And hopefully come up with a nice set up.

    Jackson Dockery


    Locale: a county over from springer mountai

    Tenkara Rod Co. Just Launched a movie by the title: Tenkaralaska…. may be just what you are looking for.  It is not yet available online but there are still some articles and teaser trailers out there.

    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    “Its just a lot of the stuff I was reading were really small fish. ”

    Fourteen inch rainbows and browns in fast water are easily handled with a 7:3 rod, 6# tippet, and a net. Bigger fish in slow water are not an issue, aside from having to overplay them to get them to hand. (I just haul them in without Any finesse.)

    Adam Klags
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northeast USA

    Just take the tenkara rod to some of those beautiful headwaters dolly varden streams you guys have up there ;) Definitely email with Tenkarabum about the rod choice.

    Christopher W
    BPL Member


    I agree with Adam. It is amazing how much fun you can have small water fishing.

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