There are some foods that are better made with a Freeze Dryer than a dehydrator (also vice versa I think). But while dehydrators are cheap, Freeze Dryers are beyond what most people would reasonably justify. BUT, what if people in a similar area could join and share a freeze dryer? I assume this would work best if one member of this group could host it in a public place: Like a BoyScout location, a Restuarant, a Health Food store, an Outfitter etc.
Would you join such a group, and how would you organize it to work?
Here are some of my ideas to start:
- 10 of us in a similar location find one of us with a public space mentioned above, and we work out planned days where we can use the device. The HOST has special benifits which can be worked out.
- Being an app developer, I can develop an App that would make scheduling and messaging easy.
- Perhaps BackpackingLight would add this scheduling feature to their website? Thats a long shot!
- Perhaps each use requires a small fee to go towards the maintenance of the machine. The app might be useful in this regard.
Anyway, is this just a terrible idea? Would you join one, and if so how would you organize it?