Another safety tip for cars with key-fobs and hidden mechanical keys. Research HOW to use the FOB when the battery in the FOB is dead. Yes, you can start the car with the car battery good and the FOB battery dead. SO you need to know how to mechanically unlock, mechanically get the hood or compartment open to get to the car battery. And how to start when the FOB is dead.
All newer cars have an emergency/mechanical trunk release. Usually hanging by the trunk lid or hidden in a small hole. They are usually also light reactive so with your cell phone flashlight on, you can see the handle reflecting. This is an anti-kidnapping feature everyone should know about, even if it isn’t your car.
SO, on the dead FOB Battery, research ahead of time. On my 2019 F250, you open the forward left part of the center console. There is an inconspicuous rubber spill mat there, LIFT IT UP. Under the mat is a cut-out for the key fob. Place the dead FOB in the cut out, foot on brake, press START.
I like the wife’s 2024 Subaru method better. Foot on brake, fob in right hand held up in front of the “Start” button and press the button. Car should get the signal to start.
Also important to know about if you park at a trail head for a time.