
SMD tent mods?

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear SMD tent mods?

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    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    So I got my hands on a silnylon Deschutes tarp from SMD and I really like it…but has anyone swapped out those weird webbing guy-straps (instead of guy-lines) for actual linelocs and smaller cordage?  I assume I can just take out the straps with a seam ripper and sew on the linelocs?

    Or would I grow to love the webbing instead of Lawson’s glowire?

    Why does SMD use these webbings instead of cord?  Am I missing something amazing by not really liking the webbing?

    Chad B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    Not an answer to your question but was wondering if you have an actual weight for the tarp as is?

    I also dislike the webbing strap tie outs, not sure why they go that route.

    I know two people who have older silnylon shelters by SMD and they both have the worst thread hole elongation at the corner tie outs I have ever seen.  Have you noticed that issue with the Deschutes?

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    sorry Chad – haven’t even set it up yet.  Just saw those web straps and thought, WTH are these?  From initial inspection I don’t see that.  But once I get it pitched I’ll pay extra close attention to the tie outs.

    BPL Member


    I once posted that I was thinking of changing the tie-outs on a Lunar Solo to Linelocs. Ron Moak of SMD replied that the webbing + ladderlocs was actually lighter than Linelocs + guyline. I see no reason why you couldn’t remove them and sew on Linelocs though

    Chad B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    Please do, I’ve been thinking about the Deschutes but have been reluctant due to the thread hole issue.  It really is bad.

    I have to admit I’m pretty surprised that the webbing tie outs can be lighter than a line-loc 3 and some cord.

    BPL Member


    I was surprised too. Here’s his reply:

    “Actually the gross grain / ladder lock guy-outs on the Lunar Solo are about half the weight of a lineloc 3 and cord setup. Since we do use a lineloc 3 on the Lunar Solo for the main guy-line, we’ve done the math.”


    Bob Bankhead
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon, USA

    I submit that as a hiker, unless you are just looking for lightest-weight bragging rights, convenience and ease of use clearly trumps weight savings.

    I also submit that those same bragging rights are sacred to a manufacturer trying to hit a particular weight point.

    It’s your shelter; you have to carry and use it; make it the way YOU want it.

    Cameron M


    Locale: Los Angeles

    I don’t mind the webbing and a final cinching is important with this tarp. My problem is that the web lines are too short and so I have added another two feet of cord for uneven ground conditions or when I want to erect high to spaciously fit two people.

    Joshua L


    Locale: North Jersey

    I’ll second liking the webbing.  I love being able to tweak the length a little without having to attach guyline.  I carry 5 5-foot lengths of mason line in case I need natural anchors.  I bring more if I know I’ll have to pitch on a platform.  Everything gets tied with slippery taut-line hitches and it’s super adjustable and easy to break down, even below freezing.

    Chad B
    BPL Member


    Locale: Southwest

    Can someone who owns the latest version (longer zipper and peak vent) please confirm the weight without stuff sack?

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    Hey Chad – I’ve seem to have misplaced my scale (THE HORROR!!!!!) when I moved…but I’ll look for it tonight and try to weigh mine.  Unless someone else gets to it first.

    I’ll have to chance to play with the tarp this weekend so I’m looking forward to seeing how things work and if I can grow to love the webbing before taking a seam ripper to it…..

    Richard Scruggs
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon

    Jennifer — if you decide you don’t love the webbing tie-outs, a quick, easy solution for switching to line locs might be a set of line-locs with loops available at ZPacks website.

    Weight of one line-loc w/loop (per ZPacks): 1.8 grams.

    The loops on the line-locs may make it possible to convert the Deschutes’ webbed tie-outs to line-locs with no need to rip & sew.  And possible to switch back to just the webbed tie-outs if desired.

    See the line-locs with loops by scrolling down near the bottom of the page at this link —

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    richard those look perfect!  that’s exactly what I was thinking about doing…thanks for the heads up!


    J R


    I also submit that those same bragging rights are sacred to a manufacturer trying to hit a particular weight point.

    Yes,but in SMD’s case the webbing and buckle system is stitched to the shelter so is included as part of the shelter weight, whereas if they only stitched on guy-out loops then the weight of linelocs and cord, whether heavier or lighter than the webbing system, would be excluded from the mfgr’s bragging rights weight.

    I have the Haven tarp+inner for when it’s my daughter and me, and while I’m not sure yet which side of the fence I’m on regarding the webbing system I do appreciate that it is part of the shelter weight, making the shelter an ounce or so “lighter” by comparison to any other shelter that requires I provide my own guy line.

    Matthew / BPL


    My son has a Skyscape Trekker Scout and I’ve set it up a couple times… I didn’t mind the webbing. I’m curious why people don’t like it. It seems sturdy, easy to adjust and lightweight. What’s the problem with it?

    Jennifer Mitol


    Locale: In my dreams....

    That was actually the crux of my question – I don’t know if I will like it…or not.  I bought my dad one of those cosmetic-flawed Lunar Duos last year (super sweet deal, by the way!) and it had those webbed tie outs and I kind of struggled with them a bit.

    These on the Deschutes seem smaller than I remember those being (of course, the nylon is much lighter and higher quality, too – the Duos that were so heavily discounted were the heavier nylon ones, so maybe the webbing is different, too?)

    Anyway – I still haven’t had a chance to really set it up (other than my living room, which doesn’t count) and to put my MLD inner in it…but I’m holding off on doing anything with the tie outs for a while.  Just going to see if I like it!  My VERY initial impression is such that I’m half tempted to spring for the cuben version!  argh……NO GEAR THIS YEAR!!!!  NO GEAR THIS YEAR!!!!  NO GEAR…..

    I would miss the reflective tracing in guy lines at night tho…I’m quite clumsy….

    Don Burton


    Locale: City of Angels


    i know it’s too late but I called SMD last Dec and asked if they could put LineLoc 3’s on instead for a CF Deschutes. Brandon said yes for $10 addl.

    how do you like the Deshutes? As spacious as it seems to be from specs? I’ve been considering one for times when I expect the need for a smaller footprint than my Hapi mid.

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