
Ruta Locura Titanium Instep Crampons

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Home Forums Gear Forums Gear (General) Ruta Locura Titanium Instep Crampons

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  • #3499226
    Matthew / BPL


    ”These are great for crossing spring and early summer snow drifts, when “traction devices” are not enough, but full crampons are over kill.”

    If I understand the description properly, RL is positioning these as more effective than microspikes. Any thoughts on that?

    Product info


    Greg Mihalik


    Locale: Colorado

    Depends on conditions. For ice and “very hard” pack I like microspikes.  For deep sticky snow (warm) I like insteps. 95% of the time microspikes get the job done.

    The traction under the heel with microspikes makes a big difference, especially descending.

    Cameron M
    BPL Member


    Locale: Los Angeles

    Yes, even the new Vargo v3 pocket cleats (not yet released), although they look promising, don’t offer heel traction.

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