1. More excellent and evocative content. The embedded link to the article about the Porcupine and Buffalo Horn ‘Holy Land’ portions of the Gallatin Range (did I get that correctly?) is great historical/background info as well as very informative about current events and issues around the Greater Yellowstone wildlife zone and efforts to keep the wildlife zone intact and avoid it broken up by the checker-boarding process of mixed use designations. Maybe some of our SW Colorado members might read that article and have some observations about impacts of multiple uses?
2. Yes keeping a journal is a good idea. A great example!
3. So the bike thing seems like it might be a version of a Trojan Horse. Maybe Big Sky is trying to round out its year. Add more summer activities. Someone/thing/entity with some heft seems to be a factor.
This quote from the article:
“Mardy Murie would always say the world already has plenty of people pushing to take what they want, but it’s important to remind people of the animals and places that have no voice in the human world. They are counting upon us to make sure their interests are considered and defended.”
Reminded me of this quote from the fictional ‘suicide’ speech of Patricia Westerford in the book “The Overstory” by Richard Powers
“You can’t see what you don’t understand. But what you think you already understand, you’ll fail to notice.” And that’s all we want: to eat and sleep, to stay dry and be loved, and acquire just a little bit more.”
Really recommend “The Overstory”