
Pyramid bathtub floor and perimeter netting – How to enclose?

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Pyramid bathtub floor and perimeter netting – How to enclose?

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  • #3385024
    BPL Member


    I have been reading through the forum for a while and it is time to build my first pyramid!

    I am using Jerry’s article as a base for a 9×9 and needed some advice.

    Want to have to option to enclose it to keep a few undesirables out during different times of year(scorpions/mosquitos).  How has anyone accomplished this? I do not want to build a complete mesh inner.

    Details: Pyramid material will be silnylon-  Bathtub likely silpoly uc4000 – support pole will be trekking poles.  thinking .5 or .9 noseeum for netting.

    How should I attach the netting to the bathtub and tarp?   Read through a few ideas about velcro/buttons/shockcord/etc… but want to see who has done it, how it worked out, and what they would do differently.  (or feel free to point me to any threads….most I have read didn’t have a lot of followup on what they finally did)

    I plan on documenting my build to help others and will post it here in the forums.

    Thanks for any advice

    Jerry Adams
    BPL Member


    Locale: Oregon and Washington

    I never put a floor in.

    Maybe 8 velcro strips or buttons?  Put the smooth side of the velcro on the tent and the stickery side on the floor so you can more easily use it without floor?  Make sure and treat the outside stitches with silicone so it doesn’t leak.  I’ve had velcro strip holding door open that leaked – constant drop, drop,…

    BPL Member


    Thanks Jerry.  I was thinking velcro also.  Think I will attach the mesh to the tarp so it can act as a perimeter netting if I don’t need the bathtub floor.

    Anyone know a source for 1/4″ velcro strips/rolls?

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