I have been reading through the forum for a while and it is time to build my first pyramid!
I am using Jerry’s article as a base for a 9×9 and needed some advice.
Want to have to option to enclose it to keep a few undesirables out during different times of year(scorpions/mosquitos). Â How has anyone accomplished this? I do not want to build a complete mesh inner.
Details: Pyramid material will be silnylon- Â Bathtub likely silpoly uc4000 – support pole will be trekking poles. Â thinking .5 or .9 noseeum for netting.
How should I attach the netting to the bathtub and tarp? Â Read through a few ideas about velcro/buttons/shockcord/etc… but want to see who has done it, how it worked out, and what they would do differently. Â (or feel free to point me to any threads….most I have read didn’t have a lot of followup on what they finally did)
I plan on documenting my build to help others and will post it here in the forums.
Thanks for any advice