
Possible Source for Cork and EVA Pole Grips

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Home Forums Gear Forums Make Your Own Gear Possible Source for Cork and EVA Pole Grips

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  • #3367983
    David Moreno
    BPL Member


    Locale: New England

    I found a company in Taiwan through an old thread on here yesterday, but now can’t find it to give the poster credit.

    So, anyway,

    I guess this company did individual sales of grips in the past, and then stopped for a while.

    I sent them an e-mail yesterday to ask if they would sell single sets of grips to individuals, and the response was a little confusing. I assume because of the language difference.

    Their response sounded like they would indeed sell single sets of grips. I’m trying to get clarification and see what the price will be for the set I’d like to order.

    I’ll update the thread when I find out for sure.

    I know a lot of you love your Gossamer Gear grips, but other options would be nice, such as comfortable top palming along with wrist straps. So hopefully this will turn out to be an other source.

    If it pans out, I’ll be replacing the EVA grips on my LG CP3 poles with cork and post photos.


    Ryan Smith
    BPL Member


    Locale: East TN

    Sweet! I’ve seen that site before, but never emailed them. Could be a great option for MYOGers.

    David Moreno
    BPL Member


    Locale: New England

    Sadly, it doesn’t seem like purchasing from this company will work out unless you intend on ordering 1000+ of the same grip, or will spend $50.00 USD bank transfer fee.

    My e-mail interactions are below:

    Re: Selling 1 pair of trekking pole grips

    Do you sell single pair quantity to individual people? I’m interested in purchasing:

    A08 Compressed Cork Grip Set, Top in Black EVA ID16mm


    A46 Cork Grip Set, ID16mm


    A47 Cork Grip Set, ID16mm

    I am a member of It is an international backpacking organization. Many of us make our own equipment and modify our existing equipment to better support our needs. I am sure that other members would be happy if you sold grips in single sets because of your large selection to choose from. You would definitely make a number of sales if you do.

    If you do, how would I order them?

    Thank You


    Their response was:

    Good day to you and thank you for your inquiry for our EVA grips. We could sell our products to individual people and could you kindly advise your quantity for each item? And we could evaluate the related cost.

    Please kindly check above and if there is any question, please feel free to contact with us.

    Thank you and regards,

    May Chen


    My second e-mail was:

    I am interested in model # A08 Compressed Cork Grip Set, Top in Black EVA ID16mm from your web-site (just 1 set). Can you tell me the price for the 1 set, and for shipping? Also, could you tell me how I would order them? I have attached a photo of the set I would like.

    The organization I’m affiliated with is an internet based information sharing club. I would post your willingness to sell single sets of grips to individuals through mail order. You would undoubtedly get a number of orders right away, and more orders over time.

    Thank you again.


    Their final e-mail was:

    Good day to you and thank you for the e-mail.

    After checking, we did not have the A08 compressed Cork Grip Set, ID16mm at the moment. We could make it but the quantity would have to be over than 1000 pieces.

    We are wondering if you like black EVA A08 Grip Set with compressed cork top like the attached photo.

    We have it in hand but the inner hole diameter is 18mm and we want to check if it is workable for you or not.

    The unit price for this black EVA A08 Grip Set with Compressed Cork Top is USD 5.20per pcs.

    And there is also USD 50 bank transferring fee and the shipping cost.

    When there is the remittance from overseas bank, the bank would deduct USD 50 from the payment you remit for transferring cost. Therefore, we also charge this from our customers, please kindly understand.

    The total amount you have to remit is USD 60.40 + shipping cost.

    Please kindly advise your address and we would offer the transferring cost to you.

    Besides, we have a suggestion and you may take a look.

    You may collect all of the enquiries from your website and then we could check if we have the requested grips.

    If we have the grips and you and other members agree with the price, we could ship all of the grips to one address and the shipping cost and bank transferring cost could be shared by you and other members. It could save more cost for you and the other members.

    Please kindly check and comment.

    Thank you and regards,

    May Chen


    Michael Greenberg


    Locale: (null)

    Why not make your own grips. You can check out fishing rod building grips

    Will C


    I have build some decent cork grips from common materials from the craft store.  I used cork sheet and wood glue.  I wrapped layers of the cork sheet around my pole using cling wrap to apply pressure as the layer dries.   I applied “patches” to certain areas to build up a non-concentric shape in order to fit my hand.  When all the layers dried I sanded them to a more refined contour. I used the dust from the initial sanding and glues to fill in gaps and build up areas that needed it.  I also used some wood filler, but I found that really didn’t do much for form or function.  The process took a while but was inexpensive and created a great result.

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