I was very tempted by the great price on such an amazing HMG backpack but was concerned when I look into their Ebay history. They were registered in the UK and now they are from Boston, MA. They only have a handful of ebay feedback and none of it is from any outdoor related gear. If they had a ebay history of selling gear then I would have been more willing to purchase a backpack.
What also caught my eye was that all of the HMG pics were lifted right from the HMG website. No side or back side pics and if these are brand new items then there should have been some pics of the backpacks still in the original plastic bags or with the original hang tags.
It just seems to strange for me so I passed. It’s a pain in the butt to get Ebay involved on getting your money back on a fake transaction. Ebay generally sides with the buyer but it does take awhile to get a refund. I hope nobody from BPL gets taken advantage of.