
Need Technical Assistance to Post iMovie of Bikepacking Trip

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Home Forums Off Piste Bikepacking & Bicycle Touring Need Technical Assistance to Post iMovie of Bikepacking Trip

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    David Gardner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    My riding buddy made an iMovie of our North Bay Loop trip, but I don’t know how to get it into a PC format or how to post it somewhere with a link to BPL. I tried Imugr and Facebook, but they don’t even see the file in my PC when I try to upload it.

    Philip Tschersich
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kodiak Alaska

    I believe the default file type that iMovie exports is a .mp4 or .mov. The .mp4 is basically a universal (not Mac or PC platform specific) file type. Any modern computer and video hosting website should be able to handle it. .mov requires apple’s Quicktime to play on a PC computer, I believe. But still, any online hosting service should be able to handle it.

    If you have a google account, go to youtube and log in, and you can then upload the video there. Pasting the URL (youtube web address for the page the video is on) into one of these forum windows will automatically embed the video here.

    BPL Member


    Not sure about iMovie or iphones.. But I shoot all my footage from my cell phone, galaxy note 10 something like that, its about 2 years old, so definitely not newer technology or phone. Anyway, I then use KineMaster where I upload all my videos from my phone.. and that is where I edit and create.. Again, its an app on my phone and I do everything from my phone (KineMaster). After I am finished editing, I then save the file and I then upload to my YouTube channel. You can copy the link from there and paste here.. That’s all I got. I am not tech savvy at all and I do not even own a laptop or a real PC for that matter. Everything I do every day is on my Galaxy phone or on my Kindle.

    Matthew / BPL


    Basically what Philip said: .mp4 to YouTube. Then share that link here.

    In actuality, YouTube supports many other formats but the contemporary workflow is .mp4 afaik


    David Gardner
    BPL Member


    Locale: Northern California

    Thanks for the ideas guys.

    I don’t know what’s going on, but I still can’t get it to work. Tried uploading it, got error messages both times. It’s a 1g file, 3:49 minutes long, so it seems like it should work. I asked my pal to try saving the file in another format, but he’s only slightly less “e-lliterate” than I am and says he doesn’t know how.

    So I’m thinking of trying some other kind of software that will at least recognize the file and show it my file search window. Suggestions in that respect?

    Philip Tschersich
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kodiak Alaska

    To be honest, a video that is less than four minutes long and is one gigabyte in size is a little out of control. Is it 4K or 8k video (ultra HD) or something? He should re-export at “1080” or even “720” (pixels) and he will probably end up with a file size that is more like 100 to 400 megabytes, tops. iMovie makes this quite easy via a simple pulldown menu during export.

    Some platforms like Vimeo will let you upload even the most ridiculously bloated video files, and then they will convert them on the platform, and then feed viewers lower resolutions. So I’m not sure that that’s actually the problem, but it’s worth a shot.

    When in doubt, consult a teenager. At least it’ll end up on TikTok.

    John S.
    BPL Member


    The default file from imovie is .mov. The best way to remedy is have your friend export it as an .mp4…and lower the resolution since that file is massive. See if any of these links will help.

    Casey Bowden
    BPL Member


    Locale: Berkeley Hills

    How about putting it on YouTube and giving us the link? I’d really like to see it…

    Philip Tschersich
    BPL Member


    Locale: Kodiak Alaska

    When you select the export option “Youtube & Facebook” it defaults to .mov. If you choose the export option “Export File” it defaults to .mp4. I have no idea why it would treat the export differently since both just end up on your desktop (or where ever you chose). This is in iMovie v10.3.2.

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