I’m using 4mm Coroplast. It weighs 2 ounces. I’m considering adding a bunch of holes (strange concept – “adding holes”). (Also a strange concept to attempt to loose one ounce, but hey, this is BPL.)
Are there any thermo-formed products that are lighter?
Greg, assuming you are looking for a general LightWight packing solution, I would recommend a removable pad, Nightlite, Zrest, or a blue pad cut and taped together. It will be very comfortable against you back and does double duty as a sleeping pad. External mounts usually supply about a 30pound comfort in a pack. Maybe a bit more, but I never get that heavy.
If your goal is load transfer to the hip belt, you may be able to add carbon rods fairly easily – total weight around 1oz. If you’re looking for something to protect your back from lumps in your pack, this obviously isn’t it.
This requires sewing, but it’s simple. You just need to add some webbing pockets.
If your pack has a flap on the inside running up the seam on either side of the back panel, you can sew on to that, placing the poles inside the pack. Tent poles (aluminum or carbon; Fibraplex, QuestOutfitters) or kite spars all work.
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