I realize this might be better suited over at Hammock Forums but really don’t want to set an account up just for this. I was looking at the hammock chair from Arrowhead (http://www.arrowhead-equipment.com/store/p446/Bushman_Hammock_Chair.html) but would need one for both my wife and I. I have done a lot of MYOG so I much prefer to make this and save money. The issue is that I know nothing about hammocks or suspensions, I’m just really good with a sewing machine. Any pointers on where to start or what i would need besides the fabric? I have some bluewater 1″ webbing if that can be useful. I have also watched the Hammock video on DIY Gear Supply and the bunched-end looks fairly easy but I would really like some advice here. For starters, I weigh 165 lbs and my wife is 110 lbs so I would likely look to do a single layer with the Robic 1.0 from RSBTR,