I was (emphasize, was) looking to replace a Montbell Plasma 1000 Down Jacket. Using ethically-as-possible-sourced down is important to me. Not for everyone, but for me. Montbell claims that it only sources down from suppliers that raise geese and ducks for the meat industry. Consequently, its suppliers do not live-pluck. Great, but that being said, nothing is mentioned about suppliers that might force-feed geese to supply the foie-gras industry.
Two e-mails to the company seeking resolution of this question have gone unanswered. A later phone call to customer service resulted in these sketchiest four minutes of hedging and double-speak that I could have ever imagined. My conclusion was that the rep had no solid idea whether or not Montbell actually supports suppliers that force-feed, but that didn’t stop him from skirting the issue and trying to leave me with the clear impression that they didn’t, without expressly saying as much. The hedging and evasiveness even made this lawyer cringe a little bit.
Manufacturers are free to decide the ethics of their own business. But I want them to be open and honest about those choices. Because I believe Montbell was not, I thought I’d share this experience for those who consider the sourcing of down an important factor in gear-buying decisions.